7th November

919 17 0


It was finally the day.....the Volturi are coming....

Thank goodness my parents had alot of Allies we seemed to have made a small battalion.

our Battalion included my Family,
The Crescent Wolf pack, the New Orleans Coven of Witches, Stefan and Damon Salvatore, Marcel Gerrard and his sired line of vampires, Davina Claire and last but not least myself...

We were now waiting on the Volturi...
I gripped Hope tight to me...Whilst my mother and father stood on the other side of her and Aunty Becks at the back of her guarding her....

Aunty Freya decided to stay home, she performed a spell on Hope so that no harm could come to her,
Even though I hated the idea, my Family insisted on bringing her so the Volturi could witness that she isn't an Immortal and she is no harm to humans.

We were now in the clearing and I could see the red and black coats coming.......

I could hear Hope wimpering so I pulled her close to me Protectively, no one is harming my baby girl today.

I was to busy comforting my daughter I didn't notice the group of 7 people walking towards us... Once I looked up I saw the people I never thought I'd ever see again the Cullen's.

I gasped and so did they
I Death Glared them...How dear they come here and try and hurt my baby.....

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