Fall In Love

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The world was a bright white in front of her - only Lexi standing in that emptiness that sort of reminded of that one scene in the Matrix. But then the world seemed to come in focus, a summer breeze, a busy town, a group of hot, handsome guys following what looked like a cute couple.

Wait a minute, isn't this...

The curls. The headphones. The irritated look.

Oh my goodness.

Cautiously, she began to walk up to Hikaru and Haruhi, who were slowly bounding down the street looking for anything. They look so real, like I could touch them. Is this a dream or...?

She was about to place a hand on Hikaru's shoulder when hands closed around her mouth and pulled her back away from them.

"Lexi! You can't interfere!" hissed a Kaoru who stared straight at them. Her heart seemed to just melt away at those round eyes, his silky skin, soft auburn hair. Lexi would hate herself if this was only a dream.

"They looked bored, don't they?" Mitsukuni remarked. "Maybe they need some something sweet!"

No, he's gonna ruin the mood!

"Wait!" Lexi whispered in defiance. "You can't! T-They'll notice!"

"It's okay Lexi-chan, my disguises always work!" He slowly trudged toward them with the cart. "Ice-cream!"

As if by instinct, she rushed forward and grabbed Mitsukuni's small body and sped away, dust clouds forming behind them.

She peered around the corner back at the couple. Lexi felt a small tug on her shirt.

"Lexi-chan! Lexi-chaaaan! Lemme ride your shoulderrrrs!"

Lexi rolled her eyes and crouched down so he could get up on her. The two of them peered around the corner again, carefully surveying the half-busy street. The couple was nowhere in sight.

"Kaoru to Host Club Command Centre! We've lost them! We've lost them!" shouted Kaoru.

"Shut up Kaoru! Come on, we have to find them!" replied Tamaki.

"Over there! They just passed the cafe!" Lexi points. The entire group rushes in that direction, leaving Lexi in the dust - perfect. No more interference, no more trouble.



Hikaru walked down the street, still glancing at Haruhi from time to time. The ice cream cone was still in her hand - he wished they could've shared.

"Haruhi, do you know where we're going?" he asked.

"Not really, but honestly I'm just glad you're here Hikaru," Haruhi turned to smile at him.

"Y-yeah," he turned away, his cheeks flushing a bit. "Thanks."

"Not a problem. You're a really good friend of mine," Haruhi replied.

Friend? J-just a friend?

From the nearby corner, Lexi watched cautiously as they continued down the bustling street. She caught Hikaru's confused frown, then remembered.

Haruhi ate the last of the cone, still walking aimlessly with Hikaru down the street. Lexi followed not too far behind them, spotting the grocery shop not too far ahead. Crap - it's now or never I guess..

Running past them, she saw Arai slowly bringing out the cartons of apples out, and just as he was about to turn and see Haruhi, Lexi ran up...

...placing her lips on his.

"Mmmfhmm! What are yo-" Arai has barely time to speak, Lexi aggressively pushing him back inside. She glanced behind her, seeing Haruhi and Hikaru walk past. "W-Who are you?"

"No time to explain, cutie. Laters." Lexi rushed off, leaving a red-faced Arai confused.

Nice one Lexi! Self-five! she thought to herself. Now I've gotta make sure they stay that way...

The clouds up above were still blue, but not too far away Lexi could spot the faint greyness that signalled a storm - a big one at that.

"Lexi! There you are!" Tamaki came up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "At least tell us where you're going before you ditch us next time, wou- THERE THEY ARE!" The rest of the group was behind him, tangling over each other to get a look at their adorable couple. Lexi rolled her eyes as they stumbled over themselves - typical. She peered over at them herself - like a dream come true.

They were holding hands.

Her heart lurched within her, aching to see more. She had done it. Like a ray of light cutting through the clouds - their love flourished, shimmered, shone bright with life.

Lexi looked up to the sky, the sunlight blinding - holding up her hand. The storm had disappeared.

She did it.


All became white, and before she knew it, Lexi was in another world.

A/N: Hey everyone ^-^ sorry that update took a while but I'm glad to release this first chapter on one of my favourite animu of all time OHSHC! Stay tuned for next chapter and I hope you enjoy <33

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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