2 - The Human

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~Chanyeol's P

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~Chanyeol's P.O.V.~

"Do you have any.... threes?"

"Go fish."


"Have any eights?"

"Go fish."



"Uh.... nope. Go fish."




"Dammit Baek! You're supposed to say 'Go fish!'"

"How was I supposed to know??"

"We're playing GO FISH!!"

Rolling my eyes, I chuckle as I watch Ash yell at Baekhyun, him huffing and throwing his deck of cards in his face. Her eyes widen, and they stare at each other for a moment until Ash leaps over the table, slamming into him and knocking him into the ground. I laugh hard as they tumble around, wrestling and laughing, though they both freeze instantly at the sound of a horn.

"There's a body in the woods!!!"

My eyes widen, and before either people can stop me I shoot out of the den, taking off after Kris's form disappearing into the woods. Seconds later I feel a body besides me and look over. "You were on watch?" I ask, running as Kyungsoo nods erratically. "Yes! There's a person just laying there, and they haven't breathed for hours!!"

We skid to a stop to find Kris falling to his knees besides a man, laying limp on the ground. He looks quite young, with bluish silver hair, pale skin.. My eyes widen at the dark bruises around his throat, the marks looking remarkably like handprints..


Ignoring Dakota's worried word, Kris leans down, putting his head on the boy's chest. Everyone goes silent as he listens for a moment before sitting up. "He's alive.." He murmurs before putting his ear by the boy's lips, staying still again as he checks for breath, "But... barely.."

Kris sits up again and quickly tilts the boy's head back, opening his mouth before covering it with his own. Kris breathes air into the boy before pulling back, putting his hands on his chest and pushing.

Realizing what he's doing, Yixing quickly moves past everyone, swatting Kris's hands away so he can push correctly while Kris gives him air. Everyone holds their breath as the two try desperately to get the boy to breathe.

I gasp, jumping back when the boy suddenly coughs, gasping and pulling air into his lungs. The whole pack smiles and claps, proud of our leader and healer as they look at each other and smile.

The boy coughs and gasps, his eyes opening. He looks around in confusion for a moment before seeing Kris, his eyes widening. I stare as his expression turns to hatred and I gasp, calling out.


But by then it's too late.

The boy shoots up, straddling Kris and slamming him into the ground, his fingers wrapping around Kris's throat. He's choking Kris before anyone has the chance to stop him, his eyes full of hatred and fury as he bellows,

"YOU!! I! WILL! KILL YOU!!!!!!"


10 comments for update~

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