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-3 Months Later-

~Unknown's P.O.V.~

I sit in the cover of the branches, using a knife to slice off the end of a stick I borrowed from this tree, creating a spear. Staying quiet, I work quickly, eyes on the wolf den below me. How many people still live here? One, two...twenty four. Twelve boys, twelve girls. The more the merrier, I guess. Well, for now at least.

Tilting my head, I watch the little mages and werewolves run in and out with great interest, their voices excited, a tongue I do not comprehend. I do understand, though, that they all have been reunited. Their little plan worked. Everyone now is to be safe. Sure, whatever makes them happy.

Anyway, the cure they've got will work, yeah, but what they don't know is it's rigged. You can't ever have complete happiness, right? My happiness was taken far, far away from me, and I will do whatever it takes to get him back. Only problem is...I don't remember him. I should but, one particular person took that away from me. It's his fault I have no memories, that my hopes and dreams sit in a bloody jar on a shelf. And that person sits inside, cheering and celebrating with his so-called "family."

Boy, I hope you know family never lasts.

Lifting my chin, I shift from sitting to a crouch, moving to carve a word into the side of my new spear. I have no need to watch what I'm doing, instead keeping my eyes locked on the den below me. My eyes narrow as I see him now, the edge of my lip raising in a snarl. This is all your fault. You took him away, and now I will take everything from you...

Setting the stick against the trunk of the tree I reach into my pocket, pulling out a bottle of pills and popping the cap. Pouring about five into my hand I swallow them dry, wrinkling my nose in distaste before stuffing them back in my pocket. Reaching back I lift the spear again, turning back to my target. Lifting the spear I close one eye and aim.

Time to say goodbye...


Hiiiiiiiiiiii guess whoooooo~

Sequel~ Pump it up~

I need thy help tho my lovely readers~

I want you to guess who you think this mystery character is, and who their "target" is~ Also, I need top 3 favorite girls (Meaning out of EXO's mates)

Thank you very much so~

Next chapter won't be updated until I get 10 comments~

Ok bye~

Monster (Sequel to I'm a Wolf, She's a Beauty) Where stories live. Discover now