Chapter 1 an avarage day for Mr man of God to show up

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It was a normal night here in London, and yes i was now working if i'd call it that. So many cars had pulled up but these other n****s got there first i had been drinking a LOT  and my head was all over the place, i drink so that when i get into their cars and into their bedrooms i won't remember the shame and guilt i've caused myself and plus i make make LOADS of dosh here so it's not as bad as you think. Probably. Anyways now there remained me some other hoe Shaueenfa and Amy, i liked her. She is actually really fun and pretty but i don't really understand why she prostitutes herself but we all have our own insecurities and secrets right?

As i started glaring into the darkness and day-dreaming as silver Rolls Royce pulled up and i saw a big, buff black guy (probably a thug/pimp) with some other white guys which where seated to the back of the car.There were 3 men to be accurate and as i started to realize myself the BIG, BUFF, guy started to growl words out at us erm  think he said something like this: You fine looking girls wanna ride? I started to walk away due to my drunkenness and the two other girls got in the car and the guy drove off without ME! I sat down on the curb and hit my palms across my head, i'd just missed a night's pay, today out of all days. The day went all ma food is running out. The day when... I paused, not saying anything to my amazement a big car shiny, dark, orange car pulled up. I was to drunk to remember the brand but it look like one of those foreign cars very cliche... The door opened slowly and smothly when a tall, attractive gentel man stepped out in a greyish silverish suit eyeing me up and down looking at my way i had given myself out to the world.

"Yound lady," he began saying

oh no i couldn't stand one of those sunday school teachers who had come to tell me all about what i was doing wrong...

"you are way too young to be selling yourself out to carless men who think sex is the fun in life, you look only about 17 -18, whats your name?"

"Charese" i said  clearly anoyed

"Well come on, hop in i'll shelter you and clothe you until you find yourself a proper job is that alright?"

"Whats your name again sir..."

"My name is Richard kyle jr, call me Rich if it would make it easier"

"Well Mr erm Richard, Rich whatever you go by the name of, i know men like you, pretend to be all friendly then bam as soon as i get to your house you rape me so thanks but no thanks (!)"

"Look here charese, i am a newly preaching pastor and i would never try such a horrible thing, i just don't like seeing young girls doing this thing to themselves so come on hop in"

I slowly sat in the back seat, but then to be told by Rich that i should sit in the front so i hesitantly moved my skiny A** into the passengers seat in the front of the car then he drove off.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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