#3.) paparazzi catches you out for the first time after baby

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hello loves, so here it is. sorry it's kinda late. I didn't get that much time to write yesterday because I was tired and I had alot of homework.. that sucked. but no homework for me today. Just posting this. Since I Don't have any homework today I might, just might post another preference later on tonight. (:



paparazzi catches you out for the first time after baby

today you, harry and the kids were meeting up with your older brother at lunch. this would be your first time out in public since you had emma.
you were a bit nervous knowing you would get surrounded and mobbed by desperate photographers. you walked down the stairs to see harry strapping emma into her carseat and austin standing right by harry watching him. "look daddy, mummy looks very pretty" austin told harry.
harry quickley turned around. "yes, buddy, i know mummy's always very pretty" he said smiling at you. "haha, how very flattering" you said looking at harry, as he edges closer for a kiss. you accept and kiss him. "daddy, mummy, your gonna get cooties, stop it, let's go see uncle brad!!" he pleaded. "okay buddy, let's go get in the car" harry said while laughing.
everybody was all situated in the car and you were about three minutes away from the resturaunt. when you already start seeing the paps lining up one by one in front of the resturaunt. "shit" harry mumbled under his breath. "babe, how are we going to get through all of them" you ask. before harry could answer austin chimes in "daddy, why are those guys so mean to you and mummy" he asks with a sad voice. "i dont know, they're just mean, but when you get out of thecar buddy, wait for daddy to take you out okay." harry replied. "i'll take the baby" you said hopping out of the car. you walking right in front of harry, who was holding austin, austin burying his head in the crook of harry's neck trying to sheild his eyes from the flashes of the paparazzi's camera's. "harry, how's your little girl!" "can we see her (Y/N)" "harry over here" "let us see the baby" they all screamed. you were right in front of harry carrying emma's carseat. as you were just about to pull the door open, a pap shoves you, "damn it, man, back off, we're just trying to grab lunch, leave her alone!" harry defended you. you soon entered the resturaunt, spotting your brother and greeting him, and continuing on to eat and enjoy some quality time with your family and brother.

you were out shopping with liam and baby taylor, about to exit the store you were in. you had the baby in her stroller and carseat. liam opened the door for you to push the stroller through the door. that's when all of the flashes and screams started. "liam" "(Y/N)" "show us the baby!" "can we get a picture" "(Y/N), look over here" "please" they all pleaded for a picture. "guys, sorry we're just trying to get to the van" paul reasoned with the paps. you were nearly to the van. thank god, taylor was sleeping. paul walking right in front of you and liam right beside you. "they just dont stop" liam said. "babe, it's not that big of a deal, as long as the baby's safe" you replied.
you finally reached the van. getting the baby, yourself, and liam all in safley. you returned home and spent the rest of the day just lounging with liam and your baby girl.

you and niall were taking kaiden out today, for the first time since he's been born. you were expecting a few paps but you were very wrong. upon your and niall's arrival to lunch you spotted many paparazzi. "babe, i'll take the baby's carseat, you just start walking in" he said as you were opening the cardoor. you were just a couple steps ahead of niall and the baby. all the paps were screaming and yelling your name, asking for a picture of kaiden, or a picture of you or niall. "(Y/N), hey over here!" "niall can you show the baby" they asked. "no, we're just trying to get into the resturaunt" niall begged. you trying to cover your face from all the bright flashes, "(Y/N), let's see the baby, we need a picture"
they insisted. "no, you guys, fuck off, we're just trying to get lunch" niall said again. you finally made it into the resturaunt with niall and kaiden enjoying a nice family lunch. the paps still trying to get pictures crowding around the windows. but you didn't let it bother you.

you, zayn, and braelynn were at the aiport to pick up waliyha and doniya, who were flying out to visit the baby.
you were at the terminal, waiting with zayn, who was holding a sleeping braelynn. you saw the doors open and people flooded out. you were trying to spot waliyha and doniya. a couple of minutes later, they were walking out and they spotted you and zayn, waliyha ran up to you guys, since braelynn was sleeping, zayn quickley and carefully slipped her back into her carseat and stepped a couple of feet away hugging waliyha, you hugged doniyha. after everyone exchanged their hugs you started walking out, you were holding the carseat waliyha and doniya behind you, zayn followed them. "sooo, how was your flight girls?" you asked. "it was good" waliyha said. "tiring though" she continued. "shit, the paps found us" zayn mumbled. "how?!, it's 3am" doniya said. "any hour the day, they're following us, it's really bad" you said. "just stay behind me" zayn said hopping in front of everybody. as soon as you exited through the doors, that's immediatley when the flashes started!
"zayn, (Y/N), where's the baby!?" "waliyha?! doniya!?" "hey guys, look over here" they screamed and insisted. you were just about to hop into the escalade, when one of the paps started grabbing at the blanket that was covering braelynn's carseat. you quickley and protectivley pushed his hand away and slapped him hard in the face. you could've hopped into the escalade instead you stood there and scolded the pushy photographer "don't ever fucking touch my daughter again, got it" you yelled, zayn, doniya, waliyha standing behind you watching in shock at what you did. "y-yeah, im sorry, bitch" he replied with an insult. "fuck you, you douche bag!" you replied and hopped into the escalade. driving home to spend time with zayn and his sister's

today was landon's first doctor's appointment. since louis couldn't come, lottie offered to come. you were on your way with lottie, landon and the twins in the car, pulling into the parking lot, "(Y/N), im scared. they're are so many paps. they're going to hurt us" a worried phoebe said. "pheobs, don't be scared, when you get out of the car hold lottie's hand. and stand infront of me, so i can see you and make sure you're okay" you explained.
"alright" she agreed. you hopped out of the car, grabbed landon's carseat and started walking behind the girls.
camera's flashing, people yelling.
"(Y/N), lottie!" "daisey pheobe" "over here" "look over here" "can we see the baby" "(Y/N) let us see the baby" they screamed and pleaded. lottie pulled the door open letting you and the twins. "No, sorry guys maybe later" you said walking through the doors and waving with your one free hand.
after that you saw the doctor and after that you went out with your baby boy and the girls to lunch.


haha, hoped you liked that one! zayn's is probably my favorite.
i'm accepting requests! you can send them into my twitter or kik (info below)...

I will most likely be updating tonight or tomorrow. (:

love you guys bye! :D

twitter: @
kik: jillianrawwwks61

also, the original post has pictures on my instagram!


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