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I'm fine

She smiles brightly, hoping the fake light will erase the real darkness.

She blinks, forming a quick wall to hold back the tears that sting.

She folds her hands behind her back, attempting to stop the shaking and trembling that is inevitable.

She locks her knees, begging them to keep her standing upright.

She says little, praying silently that they keep talking and do not notice.

She bids them good-bye, smiling and hiding, ready to go home.

She is stopped before she get far. The question is asked. The process resets and starts again.

I'm fine.


Hey. So, this one is shorter than the others, but that's okay, right? I don't have a goal for this book, to be honest. I add to it when I have more to add and the chapters are going to vary greatly in lengths. Please, feedback is great.

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