Crossroads_ Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan Love Story

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Percy's Point of View

" Any new cases, Jackson?" Javier Esposito asked me as he walked into the Twelveth Precinct.

I'm not 25, working with the NYPD in Homicide with Detective Esposito, Ryan, Beckett, and then her husband, Richard Castle who writes books. Their person who works with the bodies I was now dating. Lanie Parish. About a year now. Pretty much my first relationship since you know. . . Annabeth. A year is starting to scare me.

" Nothing on the boards," I told Javi as the others walked in.

We did paperwork for a while before my phone started ringing.

" Jackson," I answered the phone with out looking.

" Murder at Empire," Lanie told me in her sweet voice that reminded me so much of Annabeth," Be here."

" Got it," I told Lanie, hung up because demigods don't do phones, and we headed out. Castle was stuck riding with me. It was my birthday.

Today would suck like heck.

" Happy Birthday," Castle told me, it was almost a year at the Precinct now. I usually don't act so down, but on days like this. . . .

" Yeah," I told Castle as I drove," Thanks."

" You're unhappy," Castle could tell right away," Different. What's wrong, dude?"

" It's nothing," I told Castle. I didn't want to tell him at all.

" You know when you say that it means something is wrong," Castle told me, being that smart ass he always is,

I had no answer to that, and we pulled up to the Empire State Building. I don't really come here anymore ever since the last war. Since this is where the gods usually are, and they hate me. Including my father. They still don't know I have no family anymore. Because I have no clue what happened to Tyson, and I don't dare go to him.

We walked into the building, and went into the crime scene.Beckett was looking at a knife I swear I reconized as a knife of some demigod.

" Anything on the vic?" I asked before Castle could open his big mouth.

" Tyson Blofis," Beckett told me, and I looked at the dead body, and almost flipped. But kept it in.

It was Tyson.

My brother.

Yeah, one great birthday it is.  Exactly 10 years since the Second Titan War, my brother was dead, and I had to find his killer, the one person I thought I was able to love I just found out was dead about four years ago, and I had no friends from my childhood.

I've actually considered suicide before I got this job.

More than once.

" Male," Lanie told me," About 25, no show of kin."

Yep, that sounds about right.

" Jackson," Beckett told me," Could you make sense of this as our murder weapon?"

" What is it?" I asked Beckett as I turned around.

" A balloon," Javi said," What the hell?"

" Let me see that thing," I told Beckett, and took Piper's old knife. Kataprois. This thing gave some bad visions.

" I can," I told them," But I don't think you're seeing what I'm seeing."

" It's a freaking balloon," Castle said," So, Smart Guy, how does that work?"

I rolled my eyes.

" You tell anyone and I will hunt you down<" I warned them," It's a special weapon. A knife. Mortals can't see it through that damn Mist. This knife would be Kataprois. I would know who the killer was if she didn't die 8 yeasr ago."

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