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Percy's Point of View

I woke up in the morning to a phone call. Annabeth was still sleeping, so I stepped out of the room.

" Jackson," I answered the phone.

" Uh, you might want to get down to the Precinct," Esposito told me," We found something."

I thought that was good news when I hung up and arrived at the Precint.

I got there, and when I walked in there was another dropped body.

" Beckett." I said, and something snapped that instant.

FIrst my mom, then Paul, then Reyna, then Hylla, the Tyson, then my father, then Ryan, now Beckett. There was only one thing they all had in common.

They were all my family.

There was a note on my desk.


            Good, you got the note. You're starting to elimate us. But beware, we know you're little plans. We've have a plan to. Ever think we started with your mother, and have gotten to Kate Beckett already? All are your family. Watch out. You don't know who's your to lose next. Victoria, Javier, or Annabeth. Watch your back, and we'll watch ours.

                                                                        - Olympians, Giants, Gaea, Kronos, Monsters, and Chiron

My eyes went wide.

" What?" Javier Esposito asked me," What's the note?"

" Read it," Montgomery told me.

" Okay," I told them, and took the note off my desk.

" Percy," I read," Good, you got the note. You're  starting to elimate us. But beware, we know your little plans. We have a plan, too. ever think we started with your mother, and have gotten to Kate Beckett already? All are your family. Watch out. You don't know who's you're to lose next. Victoria, Javier, or Annabeth. Watch your back, and we'll watch ours."

" Who is it from?" Javi got pissed.

" Olympians, Giants, Gaea, Kronos, Monsters, and Chiron," I finished off.

" List your dead relitives in order," Montgomery told me.

" My mom,' I told them," My step-father, step-sister, Reyna, step-sister, Hylla, brother, Tyson, dad, Kevin Ryan, and now Kate Beckett."

" Basically all the closed cases with out a murderer," Esposito said.

" Yeah,' I said," Pretty much."

Castle was sick today, and I was stuck delerving the news to all of them. Him, Alexis, and Martha, plus her step-father, Jim.

I pulled up to Castle's place, hesitated, and headed up.

Alexis answered the door.

" Jackson," Alexis said," What are you doing here?"

" I have some news for you guys," I told Alexis," Where is Martha and your dad?"

" Dad is sleeping," Alexis told me," I'll get my grandma."

Alexis went upstairs, got Martha, and we all sat down.

" So what is it?" Martha asked me," It must be important if they sent you with how busy it's been lately at the Precint."

" Very," I told them," As Caste may have already told you about Ryan's murder yesterday."

" Yeah," Alexis told me," That really sucked. He was a really nice guy."

" I know," I told them," And we're working on his case, also. But we've gotten sidetracked with another murder."

" Who died?" Martha asked.

" Katie died," I told them, barely able to get it out," We found her this morning at the Precinct. There was no blood for her, but she's pretty well dead."

It was hard for them to take in.

" Who would do this?" Alexis asked," Her mom's killer?"

" No," I told them," I know who the killer is. The problem is that we don't know who they are. It wasn't meant to harm your family she's gone.."

" Then who's?" Martha asked.

" It's supposed to hurt me more," I told them," they are taking away from me. My family, basiclly. Katie was my sister. Like Ryan was my brother. They're down to three, and we need to find them. More like I do so I can kill the bastards."

" Three?" Alexis asked," What do you mean?"

" I mean they have three left on their list to kill not including me," I told them.

" Who have they eliminated?" Martha asked me.

" My mom, step-dad dad, two step-sisters, one half-brother, father, half-brother, and then half-sister."

" Who's left?" Alexis asked," That's a lot."

" A sister, a brother, and finacee," I told them," If I don't watch my back, they're all dead."

" How do you know this, though?" Alexis asked.

' They told me."

I told them when the memorial for the two was, and headed to Jim Beckett's house. 

He was home, and welcomed me right in. This was the first time I've ever met him.

" Who are you?" Jim asked me.

" I'm Percy Jackson," I told Jim," I work with Katie, I'm also her brother."

He ignored the second part, and let me in.

" So what is it?" Jim asked me, giving me some Root Beer.

" As much as I really hate to tell you or admit it," I told Jim," Katie went to far in something. Or maybe I did. But either way, we found her in the Precinct this morning."

" Okay," Jim said," Why are you telling me this?"

" Because," I told Jim," We found her. . .dead. No blood, but no pulse, either."

That didn't cross as well.

" Do you know who did this?" Jim asked me," I've already lost my wife, and now Katie."

" I do know," I told Jim," The problem is finding them. There's hundreds of them, and they could be anywhere anytime. I'm kicked off the case because she was my sister. So are the others. But I'll be looking anyway."

" If you're kicked off the case how can you?" Jim asked.

" Because I got a note," I told Jim," I have three family members left, and if I keep going clueless they're going to keep killing them and soon enough just get away with it. But if I can find them before they all get killed, I can raise everyone back. From my own mother, to Katie. I have that power now, and I have a friend who's been trained for that."

" You're a demigod," Jim said," I've heard of you."

" And you are. . .?" I asked Jim.

" Son of Neptune," Jim told me," You?"

" I was mistakened as one," I told Jim," But I'm the son of Poseidon."

Jim told me he trusted me, and I left back home. When I opened the door to the bedroom I saw another one.



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