chapter 5

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My legs were killing, my calves and thighs ached painfully and that's when I decided to stop. I had no idea how far I ran but the sun was beginning to set. The place was unfamiliar, surrounded by open forest with a decent sized stream situated a few ten yards from where I was standing. Slowly sauntering over to the lake, I noticed the beautiful blue water, sparkling clear as it shimmered in the golden-red sun ray. It was shallow and probably stretches for miles. My bones ached and stretched as I shifted back into my human body, I could care no less that I was fully naked, the slender body that I've worked for, for 6 months had given me the confident to flaunt what I have although I've never done it before. The first step I took into the cold stream made my body tremble for the temperature, the water rushed down in one direction passing around my feet. It came up to half of my chin and I loved the feeling of it. Turning my head left and right, I decided to travel upwards since my wolf instinct said right. After a decent walk up the stream, I was met with a small waterfall, the source of the water in the stream. My hand extended to feel the water rushing on my hand and stepped under. Great! I was now having a shower. The fluid soaked every part of my body. My mind began to calm and my anger released into the calmness of the nature.

"Who's there?" the faint voice drifted to my ear and my eyes snapped open. In my defence, I decided to let my wolf take control as I shifted hastily, lunging from under the waterfall. My beautiful white beast stopped as studied our enemies. I noticed that all three of them were men, still in their human forms; they stared at me on full guard.

"What are you doing in our territory Rogue," the man, a few years on top of mine, yelled. A Beta. My eye contact with his broke as I turned my attention to the one furthest away, potentially an Alpha; he observed me calmly from behind and I stared back at him. Still staring deep into his eyes, I shifted back into my human form. The Alpha did not budge at my nakedness but the other two were beyond controllable as they averted their eyes elsewhere, taking glances in my direction every few seconds.

"I am not in your land Alpha," I spoke clear and loud enough for him to hear. As if he had taken everything to hold back his lust, the Beta faced me once more, face still flushed as my appearance had majorly affected him.

"You are lingering at the border Rogue. And why are you without clothes?" he looked back at the ground.

"Your tone contradicts your reaction Beta, but I guess all of you men are the same no matter where I go," I spun around and backed myself onto dry ground, "And I am no rogue sir" I was immediately stopped as I took a step forward, an attempt of returning.

"Wait," Power emitted out of the Alpha's stern voice, "What is your name?" His called out to me made me shiver. Maybe I should've brought clothes.

"Name?" I muttered under my breath.

"The rejected, Alpha. I'm known as the rejected or the sl*t," a small smirk played on my face as I   pretended to be strong.

"Farewell then," I shifted once more, feeling my bone beginning to ache, I realised I had shifted back and forth too many times in a day. Without any more glancing back, I ran and hurdled through the forest and back to an old shabby place I've been calling a home for the last 4 months. Still in my wolf form, I carefully headed to the back door from the trees, shifting once I was sure that I was one hundred percent out of sight. I knelt down and lifted the fake rock which then showed my spare key and I entered my quiet home. Everything was dark and quiet; lonely and miserable. I was alone once again. My body quavered and I felt the pang in my chest; the internal burning - meaning one thing, Derek was sleeping with someone else. Weakly scrambling towards the shower in order to try and cool my body, I had realised that I left my bag at school. In Clara's class. Damn, could my day get any worse? Deciding to screw it, I turned the cool tap on full and cold water blasted above my body. I stood there for god knew how long, trembling as every bone of mine were probably at zero degree. I would've probably slept in there if someone hadn't intruded my bathroom and deactivated it. Intruder? To my surprise, I looked up to find Luke hovering his body close to mine as he leaned to turn the tap off. I gave him a deadpanned expression as I stepped out of the shower, dripping wet. I grabbed the clean towel on the bench and began drying myself.

"What happened?" Luke asked softly.

"Nothing happened," Having nothing else to say, I gave him the simplest answer I could think of.

"Amber, tell me what happened," he ordered this time.

"You heard Clara, I attacked her,"

"You wouldn't do that for no reason," This is why he's my best friend.

"What makes you think I wouldn't? I hate all of them,"

"Amber, I'm not stupid. You looked more messed up than her. It's obvious that she did something to you first," he came up behind me and turned my feeble body around. His hand came up to my cheek, the place where Clara had slapped.

"She did this to you didn't she?" His face flashed concern and anger at the same time.

"It's nothing," I pushed him away, remembering that Clara had said he was her mate.

"Why did she do this to you?" he pulled me back, tracing his hand on my cheek once again. It didn't send shivers like Derek's touch but I felt secure and safe under Luke's hands and embrace.

"Luke, it's nothing, they just don't like me," I couldn't tell him that he had a mate, he was human and I have no clue how to explain to him.

"Tell me when you're ready then," he said, retreating out of the bathroom. My eyes followed him and I felt my body heating up. The burning sensation was killing me. It was as if my skin was actually burning. Out of curiosity, I turned my back to the lengthy mirror on the wall and turned my head slightly to observe my back. My eyes widened as I realised a small portion of my back was scarred. My body burnt again and the scar began to escalate slowly. I yelped in pain as the burning hit me again, this time it felt as if my body was on fire and I was being burnt alive.

"Amber!" Luke shouted from the kitchen.

"Help me Luke, my body-" I screamed loudly as I could not bear the pain any longer. Within seconds, Luke sprinted into the bathroom again, eyes widened as he studied my back.

"Luke, it's burning! I'm burning!" I cried loudly and that was the last thing I remembered before blackness overtook me.

A/N: TeeHee! I hope I had triggered your excitement! Here comes the beginning of the plot, I hope you guys enjoy this~

@Lolassmiley: Thank you for commenting and voting! :)

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