Work Sucks

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Church groaned and leaned back in his chair. All of his clients were so annoying. Sure, he was an editor but it's not like he could fix a hundred pages of mistakes in an hour. This crap takes time. And patience. And fucks.

Actually, this job has basically taken all the fucks he gives about work and has thrown them into a trash bin labeled "Church's fucks." Everyday he writes fuck on a piece of paper and tosses it into the trash.

He closed his eyes for a moment and allowed himself to enjoy the peace and quiet.


He couldn't even get one fucking second, could he?

Without opening his eyes, Church responded, "What, Tucker? Can't ya see I'm busy?"

"Yeah, busy with what? You never do anything."

"No, no. I think you're mistaking me with Grif." The man opened his eyes glared at his friend who was now standing in his office doorway. "What the hell do you want?"

His friend stepped into his office, looking around at Church's stuff. "Damn, dude. How much crap do you need in here?"

"Hey, lay off. Most of this shit doesn't even belong to me, you know."

"Y'know, I think you could use a better office, pal," Tucker commented, giving his friend a sidelong glance. He could see Church slump in his seat and frown.

"Give me just half of your god damn office and I'll have a bigger office than this piece of shit." He sighed looked back at his computer. Another damn email from yet another client. "That would be a dream."

Tucker grinned, leaning on his friend's desk. "Why don't I just give it to you?"

Church scoffed and rolled his eyes as he typed a reply to his client. "Yeah, pal. Sure."

"You don't want it?" Church laughed, shaking his head. No way Tucker was being serious. His friend sighed and pulled out a paper from his back pocket and handed it to Church. Church warily took it.

"'Office 304, vacant. Due to Lavernius Tucker's recent promotion to assistant head-of-staff, office 304 is open to all. Just fill out the bottom half of this sheet and turn it in to our new receptionist, Vanessa Kimball.'"

Church re-read the letter about three times before he was able to speak. Looking up at Tucker in disbelief, a grin was slowly cracking his face. "Tucker, you got promoted?"

The other man laughed excitedly. "Hell, yeah, dude! I'm going all the way to the top!"


"Bow chicka bow wow."

"I really should've expected that. But seriously, all the way to the top floor. You're going to be working with Felix?"

Tucker shrugged. "Yeah. I don't think that's gonna be much fun but it shouldn't be too bad. Unless he gets me an intern to train. Then it would've had."

"You just jinxed it."

"Fuck off." Grinning, he tapped his finger on the letter. "So, you ready to get a new office?"


It was times like these that Church was glad he didn't own much. Just one bow full of past works and his laptop and he was basically set. Tucker's old office was a beautiful light blue room, with white trimmings. Walking inside, he haphazardly placed his things on his desk. Directly across from the door was a window that spanned over the whole wall. He immediately ran to it and looked outside. The sun was setting and it's red and orange hues were painted atop the shopping center across the street. Looking down, he could see a small bakery with an old fashioned sign reading: Donut's Bakery. Underneath it, he could make out a smaller sign that read Veterans and Officers eat free!

To the right of the bakery was a GameStop, and to the left, a movie theater. As he stared down at the shops and marveled in the beauty of his new office space, a young man with short, curly black hair and tan skin stepped out of the bakery. Church watched as he waved to people inside the bakery and turned out to face Church's building. Taking off his apron, the boy stared up Church's building.

And it was in this brief moment that Church wished time would stop. The sun was setting perfectly over the shopping center, pouring into his office and the young man in front of the bakery was smiling the brightest and happiest smile Church had ever seen. The man below smiled and slowly pointed to each floor of the building, a grin on his face. Church could tell that he was counting them. When he got to Church's window, he paused, as if realizing that someone was watching him.

Without hesitation, he started waving his arms excitedly.

Church cocked his head. "What the hell?"

The boy continued to wave.

Not knowing what else to do, Church waved back, a slight grin on his face.

What a weird kid.


Tucker groaned as he sidled onto one of Church's bar stools, taking a long chug of his "pretty" alcohol as he called his margaritas. Church was seated across from him, glaring at his friend.

"Hey, Tucker."

"Yeah, Church?"

"Why in the hell are you bummin' at my place for the night?"

Groaning, Tucker rested his forehead on the table. "Work sucks balls, man."

"Says the guy who just got promoted today." Church chuckled. Tucker lifted his left hand and flipped up his middle finger.

"Fuck off." He sighed.

"Wait. Did you bring Junior? Or is he with his mom again?"

His friend glanced up at him. "Nah, he's with his momma."

"Right. How is the psycho queen?"

"She's still a psycho. And definitely still a queen. A gorgeous queen."

"Gross, man."

"Shut the fuck up. She's beautiful to me."

Church rolled his eyes. "Tell me what happened at work. I hate it when you get all depressed about your ex.

"You're a shit ass friend, you know that, right?"

Church shrugged.

Knowing that was the best answer he was going to get, Tucker mumbled, "Our asshole of a boss decided it would be a good idea to give me an intern to train."

"That sounds like fun," his friend drawled. Rolling his eyes again, he took a sip of his beer.

"This new guy is a returning employee, Church." Church gave him a questioning look. "Y'know how sick and twisted Felix is? Well, he's terrible enough to think it'd be a great idea to hire his old assistant as my intern."

"Uh... What do you mean?"

"He knows more about my job than I do, Church. Everything I'm supposed to do, this guy knows how to do already. He's constantly nagging me on what I need to fix and it's fucking killing me..."

Church frowned, patting Tucker's hand. "Hang in there, man."

Tucker held Church's hand for a moment. "And I really hate the Junior is back with his momma right now. As much as I love her, I love Junior more. That kid is the light of my life, man."

"I know, Tucker. But you'll get to see him after school tomorrow, right? At his school play?"

"I guess..." The man sat up straight, grabbing Church's hand once more. The two had been friends for a long time, through the years of elementary school and through the thick and thin of Tucker's marriage. Hell, Church had even agreed to be Junior's uncle, that was how close they were. And nothing would get between their little, fucked up family.

Bringing his drink up as if to give a speech, Church clinked glasses with Tucker. "Tomorrow'll be better," he promised. Tucker gave a faint grin.

"Tomorrow'll be better."

Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of the Churboose version. The first chapter of Tuckington is coming out soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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