Enter the City

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"Hello I was just wondering if you were all the people going into the city tomorrow and if I could stay the night with you all." She responds in a cheerful manor. He looks long at her. "Sure. You can stay under one of these here caravans if you so wish and we have plenty for dinner if you would care to join us. But that'll there cost you about 2000 zillions." He says with a smile. "I'm afraid I don't have any zillions on me. You see I'm a traveling chosen here to help cleanse the lands. So maybe I can do you a favor in exchange for the food and a place to sleep." Hoshimiko looks at the chief to see what his reaction to her statement was. She sees him look down as if really pondering it. He looks up and says "Can you cure?" "somethings I can, but others I cannot. Who needs cured?" She tries to read him but he looks away. "Come with me." He motions for her to follow him. They both enter the Canavan he came out of and she sees a little girl, no more then 5, laying down in the back. She is covered from head to toe in wraps and blankets. "Can to explain this?" Hoshimiko turns around to look at the man who is with his wife and 3-month old child. "I don't know, she will just touch something and it tears her apart. Them wraps are the only thing holding her in one piece." He says then his wife intervenes "We got them from a chosen and she told us they would help but..." She starts to cry.

                                         Hoshimiko sits down and opens her backpack and grabs a books from it. She flips through and stops about a third the way in. She then grabs a plant from one of her pouches and mumbles a few words. "Do you have water?" "Yes." The man gets up and quickly grabs water to hand to her. "Thank you." Is her response as she take it from the man. A few more words are mumbled and the water shines so pure and the plant get dropped in. She walks over to the girl and starts to take off the blankets and wraps. "Stop please. It will hurt her!" The mother pleads. The girl cries out as the wraps come off. She is covered heat to toe in bruises. "Can you stand?" Hoshimiko asks the little girl and stops the mother from coming over with her arm. "Don't touch her." The mother is in tears at the sight of her daughter. The girl nods and stands as this goes on. Suddenly the water is flung all over the little girl and steam arises from her body.

                     The girl starts to cry but soon stops. The steam is so think that not one can see what is going on and the doors to the Canavan had to be flung open. "Maranda!" The mother calls as she is forced outside buy the husband. "Mommy?" A voice cries from the inside. "I'm here baby, come on out." The little girl comes out and is all back to normal. The mother, still holding her 3-month old, come flying over and scoops up her daughter, covering her with kisses. The people outside all have gathered in awe and disbelief at the sight of the little girl. "Thank you. You have more than paid you fair share." The chief pats her on the shoulder with tears in his eyes. "I'm happy to know that. Now Maranda is it." The little girl nods from her mother's arms. "No more eating strange berries okay?" The little girl nods profusely. "berries?" She hears someone ask. "Yes the black and red ones with pink inside, if eaten to many you become sensitive to the touch." Was her response. "But why then did the other chosen not fix her like you did." The chief questions.

"Because she though it was a case of excalious. Which as similar symptoms. The only reason I know what it was is because she was not out playing and moving if it was excalious." "That's why you checked your book? Good thing you had it." The chief says as he finally gets to hug his daughter. "Yes, just wanted to make sure of the water source but it was obviously all good." She says sounding a little nervous. The chief laughs a big hearty laugh.  Soon food is prepared and they all sit around a campfire to eat.

Maranda asks Hoshimiko at dinner "Why do you have a stuffed animal with you?" "Huh?" She looks down at her pack and sees him looking up at her. "Because he, Aite, is my companion and he keeps me from getting lonely." "Then why is he all taped up?" The little girl asks again. "because.....he is....he's falling apart and it helps to hold him together." Hoshimiko responds. "My mommy can sow. She can fix him!" Maranda is excited about this. "NO...um no thank you. He is perfect just the way he is." Hoshimiko responds. "But miss hokshiko.." "Hoshimiko Maranda.." The mother corrects her. "Just call me Miko." "Okay Mikko." Miko smiles at the mispronunciation. After dinner is all cleaned up she stays under the chiefs canavan for the night. "We have room in the canavan if you want Miko." The mother says. "No it's okay. I am fine here." She looks tiredly at her. "okay then goodnight." "Goodnight." Hohimiko is laying in a sleeping bag with a huge pillow at her head and the stuffed animal by her side. The stuffed animal is of a Arcanlga which is a water fire dog. He was a light blue, now he is worn down to a gray blue, with a chest plate, head gear, and spikes on his lower back. While his tail is long like a whip and his mane and fur around his head, neck, limbs and behind the spikes is balding. He is wearing a purple collar with a locket on it. The locket holds two picture spots. One is a family picture. The other, unused. Like previously mentioned, his back has black tape and so does his mouth. "Curse you...curse you for being so nice, can't you do anything wrong!....ties of black, grip and grind, bind the cries and keep this one so pure from her lovers reach. " These words echoed in her mind as she cuddled up to Aite.

The night passes and soon morning comes. She can hear the footsteps above her as she wakes up. She crawls out from her bed and packs everything up. Soon people are coming out of their canvans and are getting them ready to move. "Good morning Miko. Sleep well?" She turns and see the mother and chief coming out to see her. "Yes, thank you. And you?" "We slept well. Oh do travel with us into the city." The pleas hit her ears. "How can I refuse." Miko smiles at them. "Well I've got work to do. Got to hook up them coese. Coese are unicorn and cow fusions with three to five tales and usually two horns on their forehead. "Miko ride next to me please." Maranda looks up at her. "It would be my pleasure." "Lets move out people!" The chief calls loudly. "In the back please."

                         The chief motions for her to jump in. "Mommy why no breakfast?" "because we have only a few minutes to get in the city before we have to wait till tomorrow." "Poooo." Maranda pouts. "Why such a short time?" Miko raises the question. "Ever since the king, queen and all there staff disappeared the city was taken over by two very powerful chosen's and guardian's. They have turned the city into a nightmare." "then why are you going in there?" Miko asks another question. "We don't have a choice. We are all forced to return due to a curse they put on the people. If we all don't come, then we will..." "Will what?" Miko wants to know. Just as the Canavan goes over a few big bumps and we hear a voice say "We are in." Miko peaks outside to see that the city people are all still there and going about their life like nothing happened. "Miss what will happen..?" She turns around to see these dark shadows above the mother and her daughter. "Oh nothing dear. I don't know what you are talking about." The mother says with a evil grin. "Umm this is my stop." She says as she grabs her bag and tries to leave. "No deary, stay." The mother grabs her wrist. "Haha ummm no sorry I can't." She nervously responds and tries not break free without hurting the mother but to no avail. "Dear..." the mother calls.. "Coming...Ahhh we have a live one.." he reaches for a knife as he enters the back of the canavan. "Well got to go." She uses a shock wave to knock the mother back and ducks out as she is being stabbed at but the chief. Shadow creatures are trying to grab her but cannot touch her due to her aura being too strong for them. "After her!" the chief shouts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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