Chapter 12

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"I could be blindfolded and dropped into the deepest ocean and I would know where to find you. I could be buried a hundred miles underground and I would know where you are."

So sorry about the lack of updates!!! I have been trying to catch my other story up but I cant neglect this any longer so here ya go guys!!! Enjoy and like always feel free to correct grammar!!! And sorry its gonna be short. That's what she said!!!!! sorry I'm an adult again... Enjoy!!!

The sound of the thundering of paws on the spring forest floor was all that filled Eric's head.They moved as one, following the scent of the Luna through the rugged Canadian country. Through the valley of boulders and the lake where he had first came across her till they lost her scent. Where could she have gone! He snarled ignoring the whimpering of his warriors as they struggled to find a scent. He snapped at a wolf as he walked to close in anger as he sniffed at the ground where her scent vanished. One of his scouts took off followed by a few warriors howling in panic.

Taking off after them where they turned around and started in a direction back to the pack houses. The smell of faint but it was enough, bursting ahead he ran all out till he came across a sight that broke his heart. Her small wolf usually so full of life now laid in a small ball with leaves and dirt streaking through the thick fur marring her usual glossy black fur into a dull grey.

Whimpering he trotted over to her and nosed her side. It was cold panicking he sniffed her and nudged her head she was alive but sick severally. Shifting quickly he picked her up her small wolf still larger than most dogs not even registering in his mind as the only thing on his mind was one thing. Getting her to the pack doctor.

Warmth was the first thing she felt closely followed by the soft texture of the blanket that tucked around her that smelled strongly of Eric. "She suffered from dehydration and a broken heart" a disembodied voice explained as another growled back "Broken heart?"

"Yes Its what can happen when a person goes through tremendous emotional stress usually with a loved one. It causes the heart strings to snap which then effects how much blood it can get to the rest of the body. It can take months to heal and it never truly heals."

Lilly tried to speak to sooth the crying she heard coming from somewhere next to her. "I don't even know what I did"

"Alpha! The Gamma is no where to be seen He disappeared!" A voice interrupted in a panic

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"Alpha! The Gamma is no where to be seen He disappeared!" A voice interrupted in a panic. She could feel a hand touch her face in feather light touches as the voice said "I will be there in a minute"

A pause as the room went silent the weight of the situation weighed on them she felt herself wishing she could help but sleep was nocking at her door as she felt drugs that were being administered take affect. "Is there anything I can do to help?"



The gamma was Liam Richards a black and grey wolf who had no mate or pups yet, not something strange for a wolf yet to build a den for a female and he was not much past 26 young by all shifters standards. He was usually in charge of the packs warriors family units. In a pack were their were hundreds of pack mates for an Alpha and beta to worry about a family units emotional well being tended to be forgotten and that was where the gamma came in.

One of the omegas was who realized he was missing. He had been looking for him to get help with food when he found his sleeping area empty and all his clothing missing.


Miles away a black and grey wolf ran through the forest carrying a small pack in its jaws towards the American boarder. When the sound of howling behind him reached his ears he quickly picked up pace to escape his pursuers running through water and mud to throw off the trackers.

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