Chapter 5

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  "We know that God is everywhere; but certainly we feel His presence most when His works are on the grandest scale spread before us; and it is in the unclouded night-sky, where His worlds wheel their silent course, that we read clearest His infinitude, His omnipotence, His omnipresence."   Charlotte Brontë---- jane eyre



 The morning came and with it the noise of human life, the pups running around and the mothers chasing them and the smell of fresh deer meat on the fire. Lilly woke to a pup howling for its mother. Thinking of the strange animal in her small pit she slowly approached it ears perked and legs stiff ready to run if needed. The animal laid still stretched out in all directions in a peaceful rest as she approached it until she snapped a small stick waking it.

It sat strait up fast its eyes puffy and red as it looked around till it found her several feet away frozen her paw still on the stick she snapped. Growling she flattened her ears and backed up her hackles raised and fur bristled on her back and neck. He looked at the sky and seemed to daze off making Lilly relax until the sound of wolves were heard not too far off. Not long after a deer was thrown over the edge of the pit. Sniffing the air she could tell it was fresh and had been dragged for a mile or so since it smelled like the lake water.

She watched the animal waiting for it to go and eat so she could eat, not wanting to fight over the deer somehow knowing it would win. She backed away from the deer and let it walk to it and drag it to the middle of the pit. Then he shifted, startled Lilly immediately pulled her ears back and growled low in her throat baring her teeth. The wolf now in the animals place was as big as brown bear its bright sliver fur ruffled as it looked at her. The breeze shifted letting her know it was the wolf she attacked at the lake so she growled louder.

Ignoring her it sat down and started tearing into the deer till it had ate its fill. Then it stood and shaking out its fur, slowly walked towards her. When it was six feet away from her it sat down and watched her his ears perked and tail wagging ever so slightly and chest puffed out. She could tell he was an alpha the waves of power and authority making her submit by laying down and rolling to the side.

Clearly happy with her submission he walked over to her and proceeded to sniff every inch of her body till he then laid down at tried to groom her. Bolting to the other side of the pit Lilly turned to look at the alpha who looked rather angry his gaze telling her to come back. So she slowly walked over to him her legs stiff and ears laid back ready to bolt again if needed till she reached him.

He pawed the ground and she snapped till he growled making her lay down to avoid a fight, he then proceeded to groom her slowly starting on her back and moving towards her tail.


Finally!!! The she wolf was submitting to me allowing me to groom her as she laid next to me her muscles bunched and quivering her head on the ground and eyes watching me out of their corner. I was perfectly fine if she was still scared she would slowly learn to submit to me and after that the rest would fall into place. I heard her belly rumble and gurgle demanding food, she merely shifted position and allowed me to continue to groom her.

My wolf happy with her submission nudged her butt and making her stand stood up with her. Walking with my shoulder against hers I led her to the deer and permitted her to eat. She did not even second guess me and tore into the deer till all left was bone, picking up the hip bone she strutted over the corner her belly round and full from her meal and begun to gnaw on the bone.

I linked my beta asking if any new developments were needed to be attended to, happy with his answer of nothing new the pack was still settling in and happy in our new territory but a storm was coming fast and they were making fires in the small fire places and insulating the bunkers and shelters better. Worried I looked to the Luna who now was watching me the hip bone still hanging in her mouth I woofed at her asking her to come to me I waited till she dropped the bone and trotted over to me. I had to take a moment to truly admire the beauty that was this Luna. She had a small frame maybe the size of a small Shetland pony yet still smaller than my warriors. Long legs made for running and a small delicate looking head, her ice blue eyes stood out against her onyx black coat with a white muzzle and feet she was striking most definitely not the normal brown or white wolf.

She walked up to me and nosed me under my chin, somewhat like wolves do to their alphas in the wild as a form of affection. My wolf puffed out his chest my wolf proud the Luna was showing me affection. I nuzzled her ear a rumble coming from my chest and then I led her to the hut in the middle of the pit. I used my paw to tug open the door and walked in. The bed was nothing but a pile of hay and a small shower and sink was in the corner. Disgusted I shooed her out and linked my beta to open the door.  Leading her to the door that led out of the pit we sat and waited. 

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