Chapter 2

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Due to the fact this character was raised by wolves I will assume this particular character truly believes she is a wolf and part of the pack, I have a creative license in this or so I have been told so bear with me. If anyone else has a better idea.....keep it to yourself. Thank you enjoy ;)

  "It is a curious thing, the death of a loved one. We all know that our time in this world is limited, and that eventually all of us will end up underneath some sheet, never to wake up. And yet it is always a surprise when it happens to someone we know. It is like walking up the stairs to your bedroom in the dark, and thinking there is one more stair than there is. Your foot falls down, through the air, and there is a sickly moment of dark surprise as you try and readjust the way you thought of things."  

lemony snicket horseradish



The moon bathed the forest in a milky glow that illuminated the only world Lilly knew as she stalked towards the large Bull Moose as it grazed right off the shore of the lake. The wind blew the scent of her to be meal right up her nose making her mouth salivate as she swished her tail and watched the other pack members stalk towards it arranging themselves to lead him right into her path. The smallest pack member jumped out followed by the others in a well synchronized drill all rushing the bull causing him to run towards her. The moose was almost on top of her when she jumped up latching onto its throat crushing the windpipe and using her large size to make it stumble ultimately crashing to the ground.

The pack made short work of the moose all ten pack mates well feed and with round belly's as they laid close together to groom each other, a nightly ritual they did every night. Lilly positioned in the middle was almost three times the size of the rest of the wolves. Her black coat with white feet and muzzle and bright blue eyes made her stand out even more so than normal compared to the brown and silver wolves surrounding her.

She started to groom the Alpha male an old almost feeble wolf that was almost on its death bed. His fur already coming out in clumps Lilly knew it was only a matter of time before he went to sleep and never woke up. To many pack mates had done the same leaving her alone to live in the ever changing pack. She knew they were not leaving her on purpose but it did not stop her from feeling a pain in her chest at noticing the tell-tale signs of a coming death in a pack mate the alpha none the less. She shifted and set her large head on the ground and buried her nose into his fur like a pup and swiftly found sleep.

Waking up Lilly felt something was off, gingerly standing up she carefully untangled her limbs from her pack mates and crept out to investigate the feeling. The dew was already on the ground and clung to her fur making her fur glisten in the dissolving moonlight. Perking her ears she caught the sound of what sounded like wolves play fighting. Interested she slowly crept towards them her body low to the ground and as silent as possible she crept into the edge of a clearing where three wolves larger than her playfully nipped at each other and chased each other in circles. Having never seen a wolf larger than her she crept closer painfully wanting to join them but afraid because they were strange wolves and on her territory. The largest a brown and black molten color stopped all of a sudden and started to sniff the air his ears perked and alert. His companions stood at attention and started sniffing around following the actions of the largest wolf. The wind shifted ever so slightly ruffling Lilly's fur and carrying her sent into the clearing.

The Wolves froze and then all looked right at her. Growling she turned around and ran as fast as her paws could carry her and away from her pack. The thick underbrush scraped at her fur and felt like it was clawing at her. Still she could hear the wolves howling and crashing through the forest after her, growling she turned a sharp left towards the boulders that doted the valley. The boulders were giant slabs of marble and lime easily 3 tons each and had been left by the ever moving glaciers that trailed through the landscapes at an ever slow snail like pace changing the land in its wake, leaving a giant scar as if to say "I Was Here" for eons. 

Trying to lose them she weaved in and out of the boulders zigg zaging till she was sapped of energy and slowed down to get her bearings. Looking around she noticed the path that lead to the den she was raised in and slowly made her way to it for the safety it would provide her.

Crawling into the den she had to squeeze in order to fit through the hole but once she was in memories of her litter and the mother wolf nursing them came to mind, making a rumbling purr come from her chest as she settled down to wait out the rest of the night. The memories of watching her brothers and sisters grow old before she was even able to leave the den pained her. The pack shifting and her mother birthing several times before she could even go on a hunting trip made it hard to find sleep. 

The sound of Wolves howling in the distance kept her on edge all night as they seemed to close for comfort was not helping. At some point though sleep caught her and she found herself amide the comfort of her dreams. 

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