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Danielle's POV

I woke up and picked my head up from a comfortable shoulder. I looked to my right to see my (secret) boyfriend Brandon. I giggle and smile. It really wasn't a dream, someone actually cared about me. I got up and grabbed my stuff. I send a goodbye text to Brandon and run home. My mom would not approve.
I got home and ran up to my room. Just when I thought I had gotten away, I saw my mom sitting on my bed.
"Where were you?" She asked, concerned.
"I was at Bennett's." I said, lying.
"Oh...okay! Give me your phone." She said sassily.
"What?!?" I yelled.
"Tell me next time. You need to tell me. Give me your phone!"
I handed my matte black iPhone 7 over. As she walked out briskly. I sighed and laid on my bed, as I barely slept last night.

Sabrina's POV

I left Danielle's room as her phone buzzed.
Brandon: Hey! Sorry you had to leave so early, you should come over again!
*end of text

My jaw fell open. I responded to the text telling Brandon to come over at 7. I made sure to tell him that Corey and I won't be home. Time for Girl meets Master Plan all over again. By the time 7 came, I was outside, looking through Danielle's room. She thought that Corey and I were working, so she could do ANYTHING with Brandon. She was wrong. Brandon came into the room and gave Danielle a big bear hug. They started cuddling and watching movies. It was time. I went in through the door and walked up to Danielle's room. I looked at the camera I had set up earlier (it streamed to my phone). At this point, I was done with Danielle's lies. I opened the door and walked in on them. They suddenly got off of each other. I walked oven to Danielle and said "Honey, you beat me to it, You lucky girl!" Her jaw fell open and Brandon ran away. We never saw him again. Danielle's punishment was having her phone taken away. I still had my ways, trust me.

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