Chapter 1

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Quick important A/N;

As you might have noticed in the last part; I wrote in a third persons perspective. Well, the story itself will be told from a first person perspective; from Elona's POV with of course some small entries from other characters POV. But if it doesn't came a warning, the chapter is told in Elona's POV.



My eyes rolled down his body, as he smiled that knee weakening smile he had given the barista earlier that night, as he asked for a Jack Daniels. She had smiled at him as he walked away, then smirked against me, winking her eyes after him. I had just blushed into a deep color of pink, but not now.

His flannel shirt was light blue, paired up with a pair of dark jeans. His shoes were nice too; very nice and very authentic. They were more than just expensive; the quality of the leather announced its price from the other side of the bar. They had to be worth more than my monthly salary.

           Not expensive shoes at all.

On top of it all, he had the most astonishing, but beautiful facial features. The sharp jawline was shouting for attention and the white smile burned through the crowd as he walked with his shoulders relaxed, but steady and not too low. The dark brown hair was just the cherry on top, fitting perfectly to his face shape, making him impossibly close to perfection.

He was absolutely stunning. Most likely a model. Most likely a dare from his buddies over there, with their Jack Daniels'.

              "You said what, Mister?" I blurted out, as he sat down beside me, with his voice so smooth, but shaky. He laughed an awkward laugh, almost choking on his own voice for a second, before looking confident up at me with his white teeth.

He sounded nervous, but he made it sound smoking hot and confident; just what made me listen even closer. There was no lie; he was handsome. Way more handsome that any of my old exes, or the other guys in this club. Therefore, this had to be a dream.

               "Are you religious?" he questioned again, and looked at me with his light blue eyes, matching his flannel shirt. They had a tiny bit of hazel in them too. Just the right amount to keep dragging my stare up against them.

My eyes looked into his for a minute, before I broke out in laughter. For a moment, he was just quiet and listened to my laughing. Then I noticed his soft smirks at me, and I stopped. My eyes returned to his, as he smiled once again. "What's funny?"

"That's not a question to ask a person randomly, but let me guess; because I am the answer to all your prayers?" I asked him silently, and sipped on my cosmopolitan. His smile drowned in my drink, as he bite his lip and shook his head.

             The alcohol was speaking louder then my mind at this moment.

"Was it that obvious?" The eyes of the unknown stranger sparkled in the light from the dimmed club lightning. My breath hitched as I swallowed the spit in my throat, and returned my glance.

He was too handsome. The only thing I could think about was whether I was sweating at this moment, or not. And if so; was he noticing it?

              "Yup. Already heard that one before, but I'll let you try once more." Our eyes met, as he let his gaze linger on my red lips for a minute, before looking up into my eyes again.

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