Jordomi short story

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I didn't respond.

"Naomi." Thunk. Something was thrown at my head.

The only response that someone got was the sound of crickets outside.


God, I hate that nickname, it always reminded me of Dominic. Wait, what? Dominic?

My eyes shot open, but only to see Jordan looming over me, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"Knew that would wake you up," he said, smirking down at me. He shoved some popcorn into his mouth. So that was his weapon. But for once, food didn't have any effect on me. I threw my pillow at his face.

"Go away," I hissed, turning over so his face won't be in my sight. Jordan sighed dramatically, but ruffled my hair and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before leaving the room. Either he didn't notice my reddening face, or he just didn't care.

"Oh well," I thought, too tired to care any longer. But as I made my way into Dreamland, I couldn't help but hear a distinct sound of the bedroom door opening and the bed dipping on one side......


I woke up to Jordan lying beside me, staring at my face. His face was only inches away from mine.

"Arhghh!" I yelled ,surprised, and at the same time, Jordan let out a yelp. I guess we scared each other.

"What are you doing here!" I practically screamed. "Are you trying to violate the contract?" But secretly deep down, I was dancing with joy. I had a crush on him for the longest time, did he like me too?

Jordan shook his head vigoriously, spluttering out something which sounded like, "whyu hsak mi!" Wow. I somehow managed to get the Jordan Wallace flustered. 

"Are you......emb-"

At that moment the door burst open.

Bennett and Declan.

Bennett looked like usual, with his poker face, but Declan looked confused. His eyes darted continuously between Jordan and me on the bed.

"Violate the contract? What did you do?" he demanded. But I just sat there, trying to look as innocent as possible but my red face failed me miserably. Bennett stared at me intently, trying to figure out what had happened. 

Just then, Jordan suddenly jumped up and carried me bridal style and yelled, "We're going for a movie!" and ran out of the base. And the whole time, I was shrieking and punching him on the shoulder, yelling at him to let me down.


"We're really going for a movie?" I asked incredulously, looking at the movie theatre in front of us. Oh my god. I was going for a movie with Jordan. Arrgghhh, what was wrong with me? It was not possible for him to like me, since I had gone out on so many dates with him before, but never had I ever felt this nervous. I guess waking up with him on the same bed has some side effects.

"Yep," he said, glancing at me. But when he notices my expression, his expression turned from cheeky to concerned to confused and back to cheeky again. Uh oh..., I thought.

"Are you nervous?" 

"No!" I exclaimed a little to loudly. Good job Naomi, you're such a good liar. Now he knows.

Jordan chuckled, but did not question any further. I let out a sigh. Thank goodness.

When we were seated in the movie theatre, Jordan brought up the topic again.

"You're still nervous," he said, grinning.

I groaned.

"Don't deny it."

I groaned.

"C'mon Naomi, admit that you are nervous because of my awesome hotness and funny persdonality."

I groaned again. That was so accurate.

"Can I tell you something?"

I groaned. 


I groaned for the fifth time. He must be telling me bad news to say that.

"Never mind, I'll just do it." He began to lean towards me, closing the distance between us.

I groa--, no I didn't groan, my eyes widened instead.

"I like you," he whispered. "And don't you dare groan again."

My heart exploded with happiness, but I was still suspicious about something.

"Are you joking?"

Jordan pretended to clutch his heart. "You hurt me right here Naomi," he pointed at his chest. "But I have proof."

And then he kissed me.

His lips were soft and chapped at the same time, and it felt wonderful. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately.

Before we pulled apart, I already knew that both our eyes would be shining with happiness.

I knew then that I loved him.


Jordan and I entered the base, holding hands. And that was when Bennett and Declan saw us.

Watching their reaction was like watching a movie in slow-motion. Both of their jaws dropped open, and they had a look of disbelief and anger on their faces. Even Bennett.

"You. Violated. The. Fucking. Contract." Declan said slowly, then proceeded to chase Jordan. Bennett was looking at me intently again.

However, I knew I wasn't going to regret my decision, and promises are always made to be broken. Bennett and Declan would slowly understand the chemistry between me and Jordan, and they would soon accept that fact. I just hoped that they would not kill us before they could.

YAYAY. I finished the story! I hope you enjoyed it. Should I write a longer story for the Decomi scene? Leave some ideas!

Yan Yu

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