Bennomi short story 2

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I continued hurling rocks at the wall, and each time I threw even harder.


The rock broke into pieces, too weak to handle the force of the blow. I smiled. Finally. Finally there was at least something that was like me, all broken and shattered.

I probably looked like a maniac to others, since tears were streaming down my face which was sticky with mucus and I was letting out a scream with every rock thrown. 

But I didn't care. I needed something to distract me. Something to distract me from Parker. But I still couldn't forget him. Not even in a million years.


"Naomi... I need to tell you something..." Parker mumbled, not quite daring to look at me.

I blinked.

Hearing no response, he looked at me questioningly.

I continued to blink at him. Oh no. This must not be good.

"I just... can't... be with you anymore," he finally blurted out. Seeing my poker face, he quickly added, "It's not you, it's me."

Ugghhh. Why do I always hear that?

Wait, what?

The information finally began to sink in. Everything then happened in slow-motion.

I watched myself as I punched Parker in the face.

As I yelled meaningless stuff at him.

As I walked away.

That was when the tears really began to fall.


I had no idea how much time had passes when Bennett found me outside the base, still throwing rocks at the poor wall, still crying. I was so angry at Parker. I forgave him once, and that was how he repaid me? By breaking up with me again?

Bennett took a glance at me and immediately strode over to embrace me. He held me like that until I calmed down. Which was a long time. I inhaled the boy scent of his shirt, breathing deeply.

That was when I realised that he was so close to me. I mean, we had hugged before, but none of those were this intimate. As much as I hated to admit it, my heart fluttered just a little bit.

Okay, maybe a lot.

Oh my god, do I have a crush on him? Impossible. But my heart said otherwise.

"What happened?" Bennett asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and his blue eyes stared back at me, penetrating into my soul. Woah. I had never seen him look at anything, living or not, so intensely. Should I trust him?

Don't be stupid Naomi, I told myself. You can trust him.

And so I poured everything out to him.

But surprisingly, Bennett did not seem to react in any way. Or maybe it's just his nature.

"Why aren't you surprised?"

Bennett shrugged. "I already figured that you guys would break up."

"WHAT!" I exclaimed, playfully punching him in the shoulder. But before I could do so, Bennett grabbed my hand and entwined his fingers with mine.

Yep, there goes my heart beating wildly again.

He stared deep into my eyes, this time with intense heat in his eyes. My heart started to beat even faster.

Then he whispered three words that instantly got me out of my raging pain.

"I love you."


3 months later

And that was how we ended up a few months later, making out on the couch. Jordan and Declan had left Bennett's house 'cause they got sick of us. Or maybe they're just jealous.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, breaking us out of our make-out session.

Bennett and I groaned in unison. I guess neither of us wants to get up. But still I somehow mustered the energy to to get up and open the door. The person standing on the other side instantly made me recoil back.


Before I could slam the door in his face, he blurted, "Why are your lips swollen?" He looked upset for some reason.

Oops. Totally forgot about that.

Bennett chose that moment to appear behind me and wrapped a protective arm around me. Thank god.

"'Cause we're dating," he answered, staring blankly at Parker.

Parker's eyes bugged out, and he started having a coughing fit.

"Fuck off, man. Do you have a problem?" Bennett said.

Parker shook his head and turned to me. "Just give me another chance. Please. This could still work out." he begged almost pleadingly.

"Duck you, Parker." I said, then slammed the door in his face. Bennett looked at me, almost amused. "Duck?"

"Yep. At least I'm not saying bad words." I replied,laughing. Bennett laughed along with me, like he always did since we were together. He had opened up so much more and was not so poker-face anymore.

We then continued what we were doing before.

Hey guys! I decided to write another Bennomi scene before writing the rest. Thank you to @steph_archer for giving me both this idea and the motivation to continue this fanfic. I'm sorry if this story wasn't as good. My brain has gone kinda rusty after a month of not studying. Please leave me some ideas for the next scene.(Jeclan):)

Yan Yu

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