Decomi short story

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"Fuck you!" I yelled at Jordan. He had beaten me in a game of Uno again.

Jordan smirked triumphantly at me. "Brains over brawn, you lose, I win." I glared murderously at him. Just you wait, I thought. One day you'll be dead.

I slammed down my cards on the coffee table and strode out of the base, but instantly regretted it. It was snowing, and I forgot to bring a jacket with me. All because of Jordan. I mentally cussed him. But if I went inside the house, I would need to endure Jordan's childish antics. I scoffed. Don't be a coward, idiot.

But just as I was about to enter the base, I heard the distinct sound of sobs. It sounded girlish, but it couldn't be Naomi. She was out on a date with that Parker. However, as I listened more closely, it really did sounded like Naomi. What the hell? Why would she be crying? What did that dumbass do?

I ran towards the sound and found Naomi hiding in the bushes, tears streaming down her face. My heart brokejust by looking at her. She looked like she was in so much pain, gasping and crying and sobbing and sniffling. But despite being a hot mess, Naomi still looked cute. Stop it, I told myself silently. This isn't the time to think of that.

Naomi must have heard me, because she glanced up. When she saw me, her brown eyes widened and she shrank even deeper into the bushes, apparently embarrassed of getting seen by me.

Instead of giving her some privacy as I was stupid, I walked over to her and sat down with her. After a moment's hesistation, I put my arms around Naomi, letting her soak my shirt with her tears. At that moment, I didn't even care that I was cold. Or the fact that it was snowing. I just wanted to be with her.


A little while later, Naomi had calmed down. Having gotten back to her senses, she realised where she really was. Sitting in the bushes with me, her body pressed up close against mine. But I wasn't complaining. I relished every second of it.

However, Naomi instantly stiffened, pushing me away from her. I stared at her in dismay. Oh shit. I was so dumb. Naomi had a boyfriend, what was I thinking?

My face immediately turned 50 shades of red, and I mumbled an apology.

Naomi shook her head. "No, it's okay. I guess I just freaked out. Anyways, I found out today that Parker cheated on me, dating me was actually a dare."

At first I felt relieved, but as the information slowly sank in, my face turned another 50 shades of red, but this time not of embarrassment, but of pure anger. How dare he......?

And before Naomi could stop me, I had already snatched the car keys from Bennett and drove off.


I left Parker lying on the ground, bruised and bleeding. But I didn't care. He deserved it, maybe even more. I was just leaving him alive for Naomi's sake.

Speaking of Naomi, as I drove up to the base, she was waiting for me outside, her eyes frantic.

"What did you do?" she whispered hoarsely. She looked so upset, I shouldn't have beaten Parker up. He might have dumped her, but she still loved him.

The remorseful expression on my face gave everything away. I expected Naomi to hate me and ignore me forever, but quite the opposite happened.

The corners of her mouth turned up the slightest bit.

"Thank you."

She was actually happy.


That night, while I was in my room, someone knocked on my door.

I frowned. It couldn't be Bennett or Jordan, as they would just barge in. Naomi hasn't really been in my room before, could it be her?The thought of that made my heart beat fast.

The door opened. There she was. Naomi stood at the doorway.



Naomi shifted from one foot to another. Whoa.Was she...... nervous? Impossible. Whenever we were alone, she always had something to say. It was never awkward between us.

" to thank you for... today. For comforting me."

"Sure," I replied, expecting her to go back to her own room then. But she just stood there.

"What?" I asked, not really knowing what else to say.

Naomi stepped into the room, and pulled me into an embrace. My breath quickened. It was now or never. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't kiss her yet, since she was still recovering from the breakup. So as I hugged her back, I just said,

"I love you."

Hey guys.;) I hope you liked this scene. I changed the POV of Naomi into the POV of Declan, just to see how well it turned out. What do you think? Whose POV should I write for the remaining ship scenes? (Jeclan, Parkomi, Rayomi) k baii

Yan Yu

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