First Time - Top!Levi lemon

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[[ Hey guys I'm SOOO sorry I've been gone for so long!! I was out of the SnK fandom for awhile but I'm BACK with new headcanons and improved writing skills ;3c And of course to bring back this book is a lemon !!! Expect to see more Top!Armin out of me because that's my personal headcanon but I'm gonna do Top!Levi first since that's the majority's headcanon! Without further ado here's a cheesy smut one shot ]]

[[Armin is portrayed as 20+ and Levi is portrayed as 30+, it cannot be seen any other way.]]

It was the night of the couple's 5 month anniversary and they were laying in Levi's queen sized bed, the soft down comforter burying them and the silky sheets on their almost completely exposed bodies let them relax for the the first time in a long time.

"Armin, you are so beautiful, these last 5 months have been the happiest, most peaceful of my life" Levi mumbled, running his hand down Armin's side, resting his calloused hand on his hip bone, rubbing it gently with his thumb.

Armin blushed as he looked at his partner, he examined his gorgeous facial features. His steel blue eyes, his defined jaw, and of course his soft lips that contrasted with the rest of his face which was so angular and sharp, he couldn't help but stare at them since they stood out in that way.

Levi noticed this and ever so slightly smiled because he knew how much Armin loved his smile. Of course he got the response he wanted from the blond, a wide grin.

"I wish your smile wasn't such a rare sight, it's my favorite smile in all the world" Armin said softly, pressing a light kiss onto Levi's lips for a few seconds. Once he pulled away he looked into his lover's eyes and took a deep breath.

"There just aren't many things that make me feel like smiling, you are one of them though." Levi admit, brushing Armin's blond hair away from his face and behind his ear.

Armin looked away and blushed a bit, remembering all the preparation he had done before he came in here. He thought to himself about the atmosphere of this scene and the day it was and the lack of clothes on their bodies, he then took a chance that may ruin the night or make it perfect.

"Hey, Levi?" He spoke nervously, looking back to his boyfriend while he blushed deepened ever more. Levi raised an eyebrow and hummed to acknowledge him.

"Do you think maybe-.. well I mean it's our anniversary and we've never d-done anything like th-.. I was thinking you could-.." He stuttered out, not being able to speak because he was so nervous about how Levi would react. He had no reason to be because Levi had the same thing in mind for tonight.

"Armin, are you trying to ask me to have sex with you?" Levi chuckled, placing his hand on Armin's soft cheek and turned his face to look at him.

The blond felt his entire face heat up and shivers went down his sides into his stomach. He locked eyes with Levi and noticed his face was also bright red, along with his eyes falling to be half lidded and darkened with lust. Armin nodded softly, tilting his head to the side as Levi slowly leaned forward, placing a kiss on his cheek, then his jaw. This was not new, they made out all the time but it never went farther.

"You are so precious, don't be anxious, I will ask you before I do anything." Levi whispered, placing his lips on Armin's neck, lingering a few extra seconds before gently biting down, gaining a small sound from Armin's nervous lips.

"I'm going to slide my hand between your legs." Levi mumbled against the pale boy's neck. He did just as he said he would, the hand that was originally on his hip now slowly making its way to his member and rubbing it slowly through the thin cloth of his boxers. The two were already stripped down to only their underwear as they always were before bed so it made this much easier.

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