unrequited love - Levi's pov

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[ Hello!! I apologise that I've been gone for so long, I'm gonna try harder to have new chapters out, I've been working on a new fic about Vampire!Eruri. Alsoooo I may have a new full length rivarmin fic in the makings ;) anyways take this short, sad oneshot because I like making Levi suffer ]

[ Armin is over 20 ]

Levi looked to his left, the morning light shone on Armin's sleeping face as he took small breaths, morning birds singing softly in the background. Levi let a soft smile creep onto his face and gently reached out to move Armin's blond bed head bangs out of the way.

Then he woke up, staring at the ceiling with his untired eyes not wanting to shut again, even thought it was nowhere near morning. He felt so lonely, nothing was how it should be and his heart was broken.

He slowly, very hesitantly, taking a glace to his left at the empty space in his bed where he'd dreamt a certain blond strategist was laying, clinging to a bit of hope he would be there. Of course, he was not, he never had been, not this night, not any night.

Levi knew he wouldn't be able to sleep for awhile so he got up to go make himself some chamomile tea. His steps quiet as to not wake anyone but long so he'd get to the kitchen faster. Once he did he hurriedly prepared himself some tea.

As the water boiled he couldn't help but think about the dream he'd had.. Armin looked so peaceful and stunning. He craved to have the blond next to him like that in reality, he wanted that to be what he saw first thing in the morning and last thing at night. But of course he could not, he never would because Armin was in love with someone else and Levi had known and accepted this for quiet some time.

He would watch Armin and his lover walk the walls and get distracted with each other in training, he had seen them hold hands and kiss before and everytime it got harder, everytime it was another arrow to the chest he knew would never be pulled out.

Levi would be purposely more harsh to Armin's lover, raising his voice and using more violent and harsh punishments but of course nobody knew why, everyone probably thought he just didn't like them. The truth was he didn't, but definitely not for the reason anyone expected.

Levi was pulled out of thought by the hissing of the kettle, which quickly pulled off the burner, pouring it into his cup which already held a teabag. He wished he could share this tea with Armin, he wished he could do alot of things with Armin.

He wished he could hold Armin's hand in his own. He wished he could hold Armin's body against his own. He wished he could hold Armin's lips against his own. He wished he could do alot of things with Armin..

But he couldn't..

At that though Levi got a lump in his throat and yet again swallowed it so he wouldn't cry. He would do anything but cry about such a silly thing.

That's what he told himself at least, but the salty hint in his tea and the drops on his hands told him otherwise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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