Prologue (Part Two)

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    It struck him so hard, even though he knew it was coming. Terror rose in his face as he tried to find a logical explanation on how true, how was this was not possible. This child couldn't be his.

"But...but..., we used protec--"

Lindsay interupted again, whispering in a sullen voice, " I know Seth, but somehow.."she trailed off.

She looked away and hicupped, he could tell she wasn't telling him something.

"Lindsay, what are you going to do with..."he couldn't finish as he watched her begin to sob again, this time louder. He ran forwards and hugged her; however, she didn't hug him back, she didn't want to hug him back. Instead she mumbled something into his shoulder, something barely audible, but Seth heard it loud and clear as it echoed through his head.


   He pulled away from Lindsay, "You can't!" Seth looked down at her stomach. A child was in there, his child was in there, he couldn't let it die.

"Lindsay, I'm so sorry for what I did to you -I swear- but you can't kill our child!"

"No Seth, not our child. I didn't want this baby.'s not your decision anymore."she started to walk away again, but Seth quickly caught her hand.

"I'll do it, Lindsay. Please. Just have the child and I'll take care of it. I'll leave you alone forever." Seth begged, his eyes pleading her at least to consider.

She turned her head away, pretending to be looking out a nearby window...



       Lindsay had the child, explaining the situation to her awe-struck parents. The baby was given to Seth and he was never aloud to see Lindsay again. After a year, child services found out he had the child, and the baby was taken from Seth. At the age of fourteen, he was too young to take care of his own kid. Seth lived a horrible, miserable life thinking constantly of the day when he would see the beautiful baby again.


Hey y'all, what do you think? Boy or Girl? Do you think he is ever going to see his child again?

Will y'all ever even find out?

There are so many possibilities of what could happen in this story, but I will assure you that what I am going to write will be totaly unexpected and will be hard for you to accept. Even if this story begins to get hard to read, please, push yourself to keep reading. It will only get better :)

I'll be writing chapter one as soon as I can.

Thanks :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2012 ⏰

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