Chapter 4

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A few days later, Angriz and I arrived at the Weirdling's glen. My guide placed my hand upon a tree. "Wait here until I'm able to introduce you. She doesn't like strangers to be brought unannounced. I'll bring her to you."


"One more thing: she's not like anyone you've met before."

"Alright," I said again.

I waited until Angriz tromped off before I laughed to myself. It seemed heartless to remind him everyone here was unlike anyone I'd ever met. Still, I found myself wondering what he meant. About ten minutes later, Angriz returned with someone who had a much lighter tread.

I noted an unfamiliar odor. I recognized Angriz's scent. He smelled like hot steel, with a faint tang of pine. This came from his preference for sleeping on pine boughs. This new scent, which, while not unpleasant, was unfamiliar; flowery, but with a faint acrid undercurrent. They stopped a few feet from me.

"Carter, this is Soo-jau. She is the Weirdling I told you of."

"Angriz," a soft voice said. "I wish you would stop using that common term. Please identify me the proper way."

Leather creaked as Angriz bowed. "I'm sorry, Lady Soo-jau." He directed his next words to me, "She is Vaush-Tauric."

"What's in a name?" I said.

"Well said," said Soo-jau. "A flower by any other name smells the same."

'She misquoted William Shakespeare to me, and has no idea who he is. I find that funny as hell for some reason.'

"Thank you, my lady." I held my left elbow in my right hand, and tapped my lips with my left index finger. "Speaking of scents, yours is interesting. What is it, pray tell?"

"Carter!" Angriz sounded shocked I would ask such a question.

Soo-jau chuckled. "You are smelling my relaxation salts."

"Another scent is beneath. Something acrid."

"Indeed," she replied. "Tell me, how does Angriz smell to you?"

"Huh?" Angriz sounded confused.

I ignored him for the moment. "Like hot metal and pine. He likes sleeping on pine needles."

"Can you guess why hot metal?"

"Maybe because he breathes fire."

"You are correct. What breath weapon do you think I possess?"

"I would say one of acid."


"Are you a full dragon, Soo-jau?"

"I am. Only full dragons can ever be Vaush-Tauric."

"Angriz tells me you will be able to restore my sight."

"We'll get to that, but first, I wish to perform a test. Come here."

She took me by my hand and led me further into her glen. Water gurgled into a fountain. She released my hand and moved away. I marked her movements by listening to her footsteps through the grass. I turned my head so I would be able to follow her light step easier. The sward sprung up as her feet left the ground. She levitated.

"Why are you flying?" I asked.

"You heard me rise?"

"I did."

She nodded as if my answer was what she was expecting. "This is part of the test. I suspected you might be able to track my movements by sound. Your head movements confirmed my suspicions."

Into the Realm: The Chronicles of Carter Blake, Book IWhere stories live. Discover now