Chapter 1

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"On the 25th anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that their children were dying because of their choice to initiate violence, every district was made to hold an election and vote on the tributes who would represent it." President Shaw speaks loud and clear into the microphone at the televised announcement of what the new Quarter Quell games would hold. "On the fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder that two rebels died for each Capitol citizen, every district was required to send twice as many tributes. On the seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors."

Meadow and Colemet Vilhanson shook their heads silently. Tonight was the day before the reaping and President Shaw was reading off the list of the Quells. Both were excited for the reaping, naturally, having trained their entire life, it was an honor in District 1. "And, now, on the loveliest of nights, on the hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels and we can kill all their children, one female tribute from each district will be chosen, and she must chose one brother to enter the arena with her. May the odds be ever in favor!" President Shaw shut the program down and Meadow looked to Colemet. They exchanged a quick smile and ran to their parents.

"Mother! Did you hear?" 17 year old Meadow asked her mother, who was patiently sewing a blanket. She didn't need to sew it, she likedto sew. It calmed her. "If I am chosen at the reaping, Colemet can come with me!"

"Don't you see, mom? Won't this be great?" Colemet joined in, equally pleased.

"No, this is terrible! What if it comes down to the two of you? What will you do then?" their mother questioned.

"One of us will die. No biggie. Right dad?" Meadow didn't seem to understand she would need to kill herself, or her brother. He was two years younger, had so much more time left, Meadow would soon realize she would need to commit suicide to ever be happy.

"No. I don't like this rule. This means only one of you can come home at the very best."

"But remember in the seventy fifth, when Katniss and Peeta made it out alive. Remember? They could let us do that too!" Colemet was acting like a five year old.

"No! They won't! They only let them both live because the Capitol was unhappy! We hate them! The games are not something to be honored by. You should fear them and everyone in them." their mother and father hated the Capitol, unlike so many in their district.

"But, mom! Don't you see? We'll be fine!" Meadow protested. Her parents only sent her and Colemet to their bedroom without supper. "Jerks." she muttered under her breath.

"Tomorrow, if you get picked, promise you'll live and I'll die," Colemet whispered to his sister in the moonlight.

"No. I'll die, you're younger. You have more life left anyway. You have a girlfriend, I have no one but you, mom, and dad. You should live." Colemet seemed to grow quiet, a sign telling Meadow she was right.


"Hello and welcome to the hundredth reaping! My name is Petra Hoperose! And may the odds be ever in your favor!" Petra yelled into a gold glittered microphone the morning of the reaping. Her heaving Capitol accent carrying through the town square where the entire district was gathered for the ceremony. "Here is your mayor, Mayor Cambridge!" the mayor stepped onto the stage and read the history of the games and of Panem before turning the attention to the two current mentors, Raine and Falcon.

"Hello!" old Rainey croaked from her seat. She was 78 this year, sadly, District 1 hadn't had a female victor in quite some time.

"Great to see you all!" Falcon, on the other hand, was barely 18. He was in the game four years back, a legend in 1. He started into stories about the games and then let Raine take her turn. Mayor Cambridge coughed and Falcon gave the glittered microphone to Petra.

"Okay! The female tribute is..." Petra reached into the ball and grabbed a piece of paper. "Meadow Vilhanson!" Meadow smiled broadly and marched up to the stage. "Meadow, do you have a brother?"

"Colemet!" Meadow clapped, the crowd joining in. Finally,she thought, a chance to prove myself worthy of a boyfriend, or a real friend for the matter.

"Congratulations! Give a round of applause to the two tributes, Meadow and Colemet!" Petra giggled, her green-grey eyes gleaming.

"Over here, you two!" Two peacekeepers in their black uniforms led the tributes to the justice building to say their goodbyes. Their mother and father barely said anything, just sat there, upset. Colemet's girlfriend, Macy, came to say goodbye, and both were in tears as the head peacekeeper dragged her out. No one came to say goodbye to Meadow- surprise, surprise- and the two siblings were on their way. A train full of delicious food, for maybe an hour or two, before they got to an upscale condo where they would stay the week before the beginning of the games. Meadow couldn't be happier.

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