deep stuff

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Woah guys I just thought of some deep stuff

So you know the saying good things come to those who wait

So I was like hmmm

And that got me thinking

Burr's been waiting for stuff his entire life

When you think about it Burr's one of the most patient people

Even when both him and Ham were lawyers he was chill he just couldn't stand Ham's arrogant behavior

He only cracks when he finds out Ham Jefferson and Mads are compromising where to put the United States capitol

You get this right

Burr only cracks when his political pursuits have been overthrown or out of his reach

And he's all like "and if there's a reason I'm still alive when everyone who loves me has died I'm willing to wait for it"

It's so sad because his parents died when he was at a young age
His wife died of stomach cancer
His daughter was lost at sea



Lin you genius

The thing is we don't know what he's waiting for
He's all like "yeah I'm waiting for it"
What's it?

Wait lets fast forward

So like in the room where it happens we get a peek of Burr's true colors
Like when I first heard it I was like "man this guy is crazy"

Like seriously
I mean I know Leslie's WOAAAHHHS are as libbed but the really give a meaning of how desperate he was to be in the room

He's been down in the dust for all this time and Ham's was there too and then all of a sudden Ham shoots up to the sky being Washie's right hand man, getting married, and being the author of 51 of the freaking federalist papers

And Ham was born in the Caribbean and he never had much opportunities so Burr's like "rip me"
And Ham has all this stuff and he's like "no I want more"
No wonder he'll never be satisfied

But I want to know what Burr was really waiting for
Was he waiting for a higher position in political power?
Was he waiting for Ham to step down and give him a chance?

Omg guyssssss

He was waiting for a legacy

Like a good legacy
Cause he was all like "when they died they left no instructions just a legacy to protect"

He never wanted a bad reputation nor legacy

But he got one when he shot Ham

But I think Burr thought Ham was gonna shoot
And Ham thought Burr wasn't gonna shoot
Cause Ham said he never intended to kill him that's why he shot to the tree above him
And Burr (like historically) actually said they he was throwing away his shot

Imagine Burr's fear when he saw Ham wearing his glasses
He thought it was to give him a sharper aim

But Burr wanted to kill Ham
Not had

Like he (again historically) said that if the morning fog hadn't taken off his aim he would've shot him in the heart

Nice going Burr like anyone's gonna believe that you just suck at shooting

Burr wanted to kill Ham not only because he wanted to see his daughter again
But because he wanted to end the on-going conflict between the both of them

The really sad thing is before Burr died he actually literally quoted
"Had I read Sterne more and Voltaire less, I should have known the world was wide enough for Hamilton and me."

I'm crying

Deep stuff over

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