The PacRim cup (prefix)

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A/N: Hey guys I never actually thought I'd have many readers for this story but I guess you really like it. I want to give a special thanks to Black_veiled_rainbow for giving me positive feedback. i love you all so much so I'll try to get more chapters up! Alright here's the story!

As far back as I can remember, Drew has been my father's favorite. I mean we're sisters for christ sake and the guy still chooses her over me. It started when I was little. Drew liked P.E. and I liked math and science, but it really took up when I decided I wouldn't follow in my family's footsteps. I never wanted to be in the navy, so I went to school. I was was attending Stanford university. I even went full ride. I was an 'A' student in everything and I played soccer for Stanford as their starting striker, but still that wasn't enough to impress my father. I was close to getting my medical degree, but things happen. I got in a few fights, a student would mock my background by saluting me and I would get a little angry. If breaking a students nose was 'a little angry'. But now, after my third fight this semester, I was expelled. Dad got mad, said he wouldn't continue paying for school, which he wasn't in the first place, and made me move back home. That didn't last very long, though. Soon after my parents got tired of a twenty four year old living on their couch, so dad decided to compromise with me. I was to join my sister in the navy.


The PacRim Cup. This is the day I've been waiting for. All of the training I've been through was leading up I this. Well not really, it's just a soccer game but this is my territory. The game was going well but we were still losing 2-3. The first goal had been made by one of my good friends that I had made in training, Stone Hopper. I had assisted his point and scored the second on my own.

The Japanese team was playing dirty. After I had scored the second point they decided that they needed to slow us down. As I was rounding out to score, I was kick. Hard. The ref claimed it was accidental in an attempt to kick the ball, but I knew better.

Now a few plays later, I was wrapped up around my knee with a sloppy bloodstained gauze bandage. Drew hated the idea of me still playing with an open wound but I could care less. It would take a lot more than bad sportsmanship to get me out of this game.

  I mad my way around to the middle after Stone had stopped an attempt at a goal. He pointed to Alex, his little brother, and yelled his name letting him know that it was coming to him. I rounded, close to Alex to cover him. Before it hit the ground he went for the kick in air but so did Yugi Nagata, team captain for the Japanese team. Alex was aimed for the ball but Nagata was aimed for something different.

As soon as Nagata's foot hit Alex in the face he went down, holding his nose.

I'm pretty good at keeping a hold of my temper but this, when people I'm close to are hurt or in trouble, I can't.

I rushed to Nagata and pushed back on his shoulders, "What the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled louder and pushed back harder, "Is winning that important to you! Is it important enough for that!" I looked at Alex still on the ground and pushed back harder than before, sending Nagata on his butt, "Get the hell out of my face!" He just looked at me with pure shock and didn't do anything. He stayed down and silent. I turned and ran back to Alex.

"You alright?" Stone asked just standing there with his hands on his hips.  If he wasn't going to help him I'll just have to step in. I held my hand out to Alex and he took it first glaring at Stone then thanking me.

"A foul has been called on Japan. A penalty kick will be awarded to the U.S. team." the announcers voice sounded out over at the commotion that had broke out during the recent events.

This is where everything went south if it hadn't already. Alex refused to let anyone take his kick from him when Stone told him to sit it out.

I looked over to Jimmy Ord, or known to everyone else as Ordy, "He is definitely concussed."

He just dropped his head and shook it. "Lord help us."

As Alex lined up to make the kick everyone held their breath. I couldn't sit still so I just ed watched the Japanese goalie sway back and forth. Then Alex ran towards to ball. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as his foot met the Bal and...

"Alex Hopper sails one a mile over the net!" the announcer boomed once again. "The U.S. team will be going home with their tail between their legs tonight after this game."

Everyone hung their heads and brushed off Alex after the kick. He kept looking over to someone for comfort but all he got was a pat on the back by Stone.

"Come on," I grabbed his elbow and started to drag him to my car.

"Where are we goin?" his voice slurred as he tried to keep his hard face on.

"To get an ice pack and see if the doctor thinks you're as messed up as I do." I laughed as i pulled him further like a lost puppy.

This is going to be a long year. And these Hopper boys? Well they'd end up killing me if they didn't kill each other first.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2013 ⏰

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