Chapter 9 : Chest Hair.

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{No One's Point of View}

Groaning at the constant ringing of her phone. Juliette pulled herself out of bed and made her way to the phone.


"Hey babe, were you sleeping?" Juliette rolled her eyes and smiled hearing Steven's voice. "Well Stevie it is-" she paused to look at the clock "8:30 in the morning. Most people are sleep." She laughed playing with the chord of the phone. "I just haven't seen you in forever." He sighed into the phone. "2 days Steven, just imagine when you guys explode and then go on tours for like a year at a time, what are you going to do with me then?" She seemed very proud of her question. "Take you with us." He answered simply. Juliette felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her. She couldn't help but smile.

"Well, I'll look forward to that day but until then, what would you like? I'm trying to go back to sleep Adler." She wasn't tired anymore.
"Since you are helping Duff tonight, I wanted to spend sometime with you beforehand."

"Okay, when?" She couldn't turn him down, they were technically together. Juliette couldn't be to sure. Yeah, they've kissed a handful of times but they kept it really innocent. She finally came to terms that at some point she did develop feelings for Duff.

"Well, do you want to come over and hang out with the guys and myself?" He said, I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Okay, i'll get ready now and i'll be over soon." She said into the phone. They said their goodbyes then she hung up and scurried off to get ready.


The guys were bouncing with excitement. Slash had been warming up all morning. Steven was beating his sticks against every surface in the house. Axl was singing while doing various tasks around the house such as eating, while in the shower. Izzy just sat on the couch aimlessly plucking away at his guitar while watching music videos.

Duff, however was thinking himself into a frenzy. He already chugged 3 beers and it wasn't even noon yet. His nerves about the show and about Juliette weren't helping him.

Duff couldn't get Juliette out of his head. He knew this was something different because she wasn't just some one night stand. She was smart, driven and she reminded Duff of home.

"God, I'm in trouble." He groaned patting his pants for his cigarettes. He heard a knock on the door "Come in."

"Just coming to say hi to my boyfriend." Juliette said laughing as she pulled Duff in for a hug. Duff held onto her just a bit longer, taking in the scent of her shampoo, the softness of the sweater she was wearing. Just her.

"You're here early." He said letting go despite not really wanting to. "Steven wanted to see me since we can't be all lovey dovey tonight." She shrugged and looked around their shared room.

Without thinking Duff asked her : "What's so great about him?" Juliette never stopped examining the CD selection on the floor. "It's his chest hair."

"Well, I have chest hairs too." Duff said looking down his shirt at his bare chest. I looked up and caught her looking at me. She shrugged. "Anyway, as intellectually stimulating as this conversation is I'm going to go." She said sliding out of the room.

Duff flopped back onto his bed. "God I am so dense."

Juliette stood outside the bedroom door with her back against the door. To her it almost seems like Duff maybe into her. But she can't be to sure, maybe he is looking out for Steven.

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