chapter 2

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~4 years later~

Satoko was practicing on controlling her temper with Mizuto's help. Mizuto was trying to find something to irritate her and he finally figured something out. He kicked sand in her shoes and she immediately clenched her fists and soon her eyes turned red and sad was lifting into the air. All the other kids in the park were looking at her like she's crazy and parents grabbed their kids and ran. Mizuto yelled at her to stop and she did. All the kids ran over to her and whispered things while surrounding her in a circle. They all started snickering evilly  "Hey I wonder what would happen if I did this?" one of the kids said kicking more sand at her. Soon all the others started to join in and kicked sand at her, then they pushed her down and kicked sand in her face. "C'mon get angry" "You gonna do anything." "Your the daughter of evil huh?" "No one will love you." "Kick more dirt so she can blend in with her own kind." From that day on everyone picked on her.

~4 years later~

The daily bell of school telling everyone the day was over rang. All of the kids were rushing out except for a two who were in class cleaning up their things. The black and blonde haired 14 year olds were laughing when a group of kids walked by there class and noticed them. The group of kids walked over to them smirking, "Hey, Mizuto what are you doing hanging out with the evil one?" One of the kids say looking over at Satoko and glaring. Satoko just kept packing up her stuff and not making eye contact with them. "She is not evil. Go away." Mizuto said standing up to them. Satoko knew something bad was gonna happen she pulled on his pant leg and shook her head and whispered "Ignore them, there just a group of assholes anyway." One of the kids heard her say that and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. "What did you say!? Listen here you little waste of life. if you bother us in any way we will beat you for the rest of your life. And bothering us means you breathing so were beating you starting today."

While was talking to Satoko one of the girls walked up to Mizuto, "Beat it kid or else you'll be considered just like her and we'll treat you the same way." She said glaring at him. Mizuto looked over the girls shoulder and at Satoko who was still being held by the collar. "Sorry." He whispered while rushing out of the classroom. "Mizuto!" Satoko yelled after him making the boy drop her and fall to the floor. They kicked her, punched her, spit on her, and ripped up all of her stuff. She was left on the bare floor of the classroom bleeding as they left laughing. She sat up very slowly and looked at her surroundings. A tear fell down her cheek and all of the desk flew up and hit the wall, the walls had a bunch of holes in them, a few fires started, and the windows were shattered. Her eyes turned a bright red color and the sky turned a dark gray and black color. Her pitch black hair with a tint of pink was blown up around her. Tears were still falling from her face. After the last drop she went back to normal and realized what she had done. She had worked so hard on controlling her emotions and yet she still lost control. She sat on the burning floor with her face in her hands with one of her eyes looking out between two of her fingers.

After what seemed like forever the fire started to die down and she got up and left with an emotionless face. She got home and was greeted by a smiling Sakura whose smile quickly turned into a frown. "What happened?" She said wiping the dried tears off of Satoko's face. "Nothing, I can handle it myself." She said pushing her mother's hand away from her. "Satoko. Do not be secretive with me." "I'm not! Just ask that jerk Mizuto! He'll tell you and probably leave right after!" She yelled at her mother then walked away to her room where you could hear her throwing stuff in her room. Sakura had no clue on what to do so she called Sasuke and told him to come home immediately and he did. He rushed into Satoko's room, which was surprisingly still in contact, but found her crying in the corner of her room ripping up pictures of her and Mizuto. "Satoko, what are you doing?" He said sitting down in front of her. "Cutting up pictures. Why are you in here?" She sticking her scissors into the floor and looking up at her dad. "Your mom told me you were having troubles and I also got a call from the school. What happened today?" "I don't wanna talk about it." She said crossing her arms and leaning her back against the wall looking in another direction. "C'mon Satoko. Tell me." "Fine." she huffed. "Me and Mizuto were getting ready to leave and a bunch of kids came over and started talking bad about me to Mizuto so I said they were assholes and one of them pretty much choked me and told Mizuto to leave and he did. He broke his promise and left me there to get punched and kicked. He didn't wanna be considered like me." Sasuke wrapped his trembling daughter in his arms. "Its okay. You are not bad, remember that. Mizuto was probably just worried." "Yea but-" "No buts I want you to talk to him yourself. Now fix our pictures and go talk to him." He said getting up and walking out the door. "Oh and one more thing" He looked back at her. "Do not talk to your mother like that."

Satoko felt a little better but decided to only fix a few of the pictures. She sprawled out on her bed and looked through her phone. There were so many missed calls and messages from Mizuto. One of the messages said: "Meet me in the park at 6. If ur not there I know you'll still b mad and I won't bother u anymore. I hope I see u -Mizuto". She was thinking so much about it, deciding whether or not she should go. She realized that she was probably overreacting about what happened so she'd meet him at the park. It was only 4 so she'd take a slight nap.

~3 hours later~

Satoko fluttered her eyes open and looked at her clock. 7:00. She widened her eyes while looking at the time. She was supposed to meet Mizuto at the park at 6. She rushed up and put warm clothes on and brushed out her hair and ran out the door. She ran as fast as she could to the park accidentally pushing people on the way. When she arrived at the park she looked around and saw no one. Mizuto must have left already. she thought. She heard sniffling coming from behind one of the trees next to the park so she walked towards it. "Hello?" She whispered and walked closer. When she turned around the tree she saw Mizuto crying in his pale hands. He looked up at her and immediately jumped up and hugged her. "You came!" He said hugging her even tighter. "Yea yea now get off of me Goldilocks." "Oh yea sorry." He said letting go of her and rubbing the back of his neck. "Satoko I'm so sorry for leaving you, I know I promised I never would, but they were gonna hurt you and I couldn't watch that happen so when I left I was gonna go get help but then Mr. Taigen had me clean the gym so by the time I was done you had already left and the room was on fire." He was looking at the floor the entire time he was explaining. She was a little bit taller than him so she took his chin and lifted up his face smiling at him. "Its ok I overreacted. C'mon let's go to my house and not freeze to death." The entire way back home they were laughing like nothing had ever happened. Nothing can split up these two.

~2 years later~

Satoko was waiting for Mizuto outside of their school. IT was 30 minutes since school was over and he finally came out, but he wasn't alone. Standing next to him was a red haired girl who was quite short. "Mizuto." She yelled waving her arm. She could see the girl stop and whisper something in his ear. He whispered something back to her and they started to walk again. "Hey Satoko" "Who's that?" Satoko said pointing to the red-head. "This is Minata. My girlfriend." The girl just smirked and glared at Satoko. What Mizuto doesn't know is that Satoko has a very big crush on him. "Oh, uhm, I'm g-glad for you, uhm, I'm just gonna walk home alone then." "Are you sure?" "Yea." she said waving to them and walking home the long way fighting the tears that wanna escape.

Satoko Uchiha: Daughter of Sasuke and Sakura (Naruto fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now