Boku no Pico

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Umm this is a rant book of course boku will be a chapter.

Why is a Yaoi, Hentai anime so popular. I dont sit and search up hentai so am i-- why i am finding boku posts, boku memes and bokuclips, like please i dont want to see that shit.

One time, heaven forbid i see it with my own two eyes, my friend told me about a meme she saw. It was eren mikasa and armin replace by the three idiots in boku no pico. God..... i never want to see it. I never want to see good animes ruined.

Really, as you can tell I haven't watched it yet so I can't opinionate too much.

But my closing statement is- why is it viral and why do I keep seeing it. I don't search up hentai alot...

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