Part 3

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We're driving home with Lucy.

Then she's home and all wrapped up in blue satin, and my parents are doting over her, because they already need her like their own child.

We're out running errands, and people stop their grocery carts to gaze lovingly at the little baby, and smile at our perfect happy family.

Days tick by, each just like the next, full of Lucy's gurgling laughter. Nights pass; moons rise and fall in the sky's black abyss; interrupted by her newborn wails and screams.

I've learned to take walks in the evenings.

I like it because, if I blast music loud enough through my headphones, I can stop thinking for a few minutes, my mind in a luxuriously blank state without regrets or longing. Also, Lucy is always screaming about something at night, and the stillness of the streets is a blissful gift.

Tonight is like any other evening. A breeze is picking up speed, with a chill strong enough that I wrap my coat tighter around myself. I can see glimpses of rosy sunset through gaps in colonial-style suburban houses and the occasional nail salon or shabby sandwich shop. I pass a boy my age sitting on his front stoop, and we smile a little at each other, when suddenly he gasps and leaps to his feet.

He hurries towards me, eyes alight. I stop walking and slowly remove my headphones, confused.

When he reaches me, he grins. "Hi!" he gasps.

"Did I do something wrong?" I begin cautiously. "I didn't mean-I'm sorry-"

"What are you talking about?" the boy laughs. "I just recognized you from grocery shopping today! I remember you, because that super adorable baby was your sister and I was soooooo jealous!"

I stiffen. "She isn't my sister."

"Oh." He frowns. "Cousin, then?"

"It's complicated."

"Oh. I see." He grins again. "I just wanted to say hi. My name is Nico Valerian. What's your name?"


"Avery!" he yells. I jump. He slaps me on the back. "I love that name! Awesomesauce! Ren shi ni hen gao xing! That means 'nice to meet you' in Chinese! I learned it at a camp. Or maybe in a book somewhere. I don't remember." He laughs and checks his watch. "Oh, shoot, it's already seven o'clock. I gotta go! See ya!" He sprints into his house, slamming the door, leaving me to stare after him in dazed amazement.

When I recover my senses, I put my headphones back on, but this time I turn the volume down, because I want to be able to think.


His name is Nico.

I smile a little. That name suits him. Full of energy and force, like pounding on a drum. Ni-co.

I watch him leap over gaps in the sidewalk and dodge around recycling bins, until he is out of sight.

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