A Ten Year Mourn Will Never Truly Pass

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'Ten fucking years (Y/n)! Get over him! He's dead! Gone! Poof! You can't keep hurting yourself like this!'
'I know...'
'Wait, what?'
'Gee is dead...and I'm a fool for ever thinking he'd ever come back to me...even if he was alive, he wouldn't come back to me. Who would ever come home to a 26 year old creature who spends ten years waiting for her fiancée?'
'I didn't mean it like tha-'
'No! You're fucking right! I've wasted ten fucking years! Why should I wait for the only man who actually loved me? Why should I love the man who was always there for me? Why should I care about the man I was supposed to marry?' I was crying at that point, for the first time in years in fact. My "friend" Joe frowned, letting me see her eyebrows raise. Her soft blonde hair fell in front of her face as I stormed out of the small pub and drunkenly stumbled blindly onto the street, hoping someone hit me with their car. Sadly, I made it home safely with Cal waiting at the door with another cup of coffee.
'Welcome home, Mas-'
'Shut up!' I screamed, knocking the cup out of his metal hands. I stormed through the house, smashing every photo I had of Gerard. The floor became coated in broken glass before I made my way to the bedroom. I planted myself on the bed and began screaming my lungs out, as if someone was violently mutilating me.
'I want him back!' I cried loudly, feeling my inner will to live quickly dissipate.
'Master? Would you like me to contact Master Gerard?'
'He's dead! He's fucking dead you stupid robot!'
For a moment, Cal looked at his long metal legs, reminiscing about the small picture of a cat Gerard had drawn in sharpie on his right knee.
'I'm inadequate?' Cal muttered, as if it was a question.
'Yes! You idiot! Gerard's been gone for years and you still think he's alive? He's gone, Cal...'
Cal only stood there for a moment, before I could hear his circuits fuming.
'He can't be gone...Master Gerard gave me life...'
'Yeah, and now he's gone. Go away, Cal. Come back when you've found my fiancée.'

'Monday to Friday, you make me coffee and wait at the front door. I get home at 5:30, so make sure it's still hot when I return home.' I muttered to my new robot, Mettaton. Cal had disappeared hours after he found out about Gerard, and it was so lonely without him. Not having Gerard was bad enough, but not having Cal was like abandoning your child.
'Master, my scanners are telling me you are distressed.'
'Shut up, Mettaton! Go make me coffee!' I shouted at the newly made robot. He hopped off my work station and rushed to the employees lounge, even asking a few people where the coffee was. I, meanwhile, sat at my desk mourning my missing fiancée and my only friend, Cal. He was only a service bot, but he was always there for me. I had built him when I was only twelve, and he always continued to push through his sometimes faulty wiring and my anxiety. It was especially hard for us both when Gerard left for the Intergalactic War. The war to end all wars, they called it. Against Earth and Dimension B-642's Earth.
'Hey, sugar, could you tell your robot to not touch the boiling water? He spilt it on my hand.' Nicola sighed down at me letting his blonde, almost white hair fall in front of his shining blue eyes. He was a catch, I couldn't deny that. His jawline could slice metal like butter but it's not what I wanted, nor what I needed.
'Don't call me that, and I'm sorry. Cal ran away and I needed someone to keep me company till Gerard...' I trailed off.
'Until your boyfriend gets back, right. Look, ten years of waiting is enough. Come with me tonight?' For once, Nicola actually sounded sincere. His usual cocky tone had been discarded for pure concern and it made me smile.
'I don't know...'
'We can just go for a walk if that's what you want. I won't push you.' Nicola held out his burnt hand, offering it to me.
'I guess that's okay. Let me just go get Mettaton.'
'Get him!' I could hear people yell.
'You will never take me alive!' Mettaton screamed, fleeing the break room.

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