Growing Up

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This Chapter is dedicated to my good friend Maddi as it was our weird and random conversation that gave me the idea of a Doctor Who/Vampire Diaries crossover. Oh the benefits of having friends who share the same fandoms as you... Enjoy :)

Growing Up

Chronos stared up at the girl. She had a raw sense of power and Chronos knew straight away that she was a very dangerous entity. Ever since that afternoon and looking into Schism, Chronos had been seeing everything in a way he never would have thought possible before. She walked over to him, "Are you alright?" She asked . "My...... My parents...", he replied looking broken. The woman looked down at the two bodies on the floor and to Artemis hunched over crying. She stared back at Chronos with an understanding look of sadness, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She whispered to him. "I would bring them back if I could but the last time I did that I created an infinite point in time, if I did it again I could burn Gallifrey. Although it's going to happen anyway. Well.... The universe thinks that's what happens. Or is it happened? I always get my tenses mixed up....." She was now mainly talking to herself, leaving Chronos staring at her in confusion. ".......not to mention when the Raxacoricofal-....... Sorry Chronos, I get sidetracked" She apologised. He stared at her "How do you know who I am?" The woman laughed, "I know everything, well almost everything. I'm no match for a Time Lord who possesses my power." Chronos stared at the entrance to the TARDIS, where the Daleks were just about to take him away. "How did you stop them?" He asked, turning back to the girl. "It's um.... Complicated" she responded. Chronos decided to not pry any further, Artemis stood up and wiped her green eyes. "Who are you?" She demanded, with a surprising authority for a 12 year-old girl. "I am the Bad Wolf and I will not be spoken to in that manner if you don't mind." The Bad Wolf responded. Chronos looked into the Bad Wolf's eyes, which were still glowing golden. He gasped. A billion thoughts and images coursed through his mind. Images of War, images of other worlds, thoughts of Time, the building blocks of the universe, how to manipulate them, and at the back of it all, there was one planet. Earth. Bad Wolf pulled away. "You weren't meant to see that" She said angrily. Chronos gave her a shocked look. "You have the entire Time Vortex running through your head!" He yelled. "How is that even possible?" She smiled at him "You're a smart kid, you tell me" Chronos thought for a moment, and remembered what he was forced to see that afternoon. All of eternity. He had seen the rise and fall of civilizations and more. But then he remembered, the Eye of Harmony, the Heart of the TARDIS. "You looked into the Eye of Harmony." He finally said, "Who were you before the Bad Wolf?" Bad Wolf looked slightly crestfallen "My name was Rose Tyler. But I am just one part of the Bad Wolf. I created myself. Rose Tyler lives on, I am trapped in this form." She turned away from Chronos and to Artemis, who's dark red hair was messed in front of her face. "Artemis, you are the Eldest now, I must tell you why I am here-"

"Why should we trust you?" Artemis said through gritted teeth.

"Because, you and your brother are the future of Gallifrey and if you don't trust me then you may completely re-write the history of the universe. But I know that you will trust me, it has happened so many times. This encounter has become fixed. You cannot avoid it" The Bad Wolf replied. 

"Well then what do you want with us? How are two children the future of Gallifrey?" Artemis asked skeptically. 

"All will become apparent to you in time. Rest assured that I am right, you will change the fate of this Planet and in-fact the universe. But first, I think I should make you both a bit older. We can't let the fate of the universe rest on the shoulders of children." The Bad Wolf raised her hands "Prepare yourselves", she warned, "For what exactly?" Chronos asked her, staring at The Bad Wolf's hands, which were now glowing the same colour gold as the Daleks. She smiled. "For this".

The Gold dust shot from her hands and swirled around Chronos and Artemis and lifted them. The strangest feeling shot through Chronos's spine and all around his body, he started to become taller and his brain began to fill with knowledge, memories manifested themselves in the farthest corners of his mind, he had a whole life planted inside his head. The effect stopped abruptly and he fell back to the ground. "What did you just do?" Chronos said, in a voice which he realised was a lot deeper. The Bad Wolf smiled at him. "I made you older, you two needed stronger bodies to withstand what is about to happen" Chronos looked at himself in the mirror, which had miraculously repaired itself. He was now about 6' 3", his shaggy brown hair had shortened and styled itself, and had stubble all around his face. Then something clicked at the back of his mind, he whipped around to look at the Bad Wolf "What do you mean 'what is about to happen'?" He asked, panicking slightly. She smiled one last time at him and raised her hands once more, the Gold dust once again swirled around Chronos and Artemis. The sensation he felt was much more unpleasant than the last, it was as if his body was being squeezed beyond the point of comprehension. He felt himself being pulled into nothingness.

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