A New Beginning

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Skye's POV:

I walk out of the Sydney airport and the hot air hits me quick. I'm quick to strip down into my shorts and singlet.

Sydney is definitely not like Melbourne. Melbourne is cold right now. Snowing actually. And Sydney is just so hot and nice to be honest. I'll be at Bondi Beach a lot!

It's almost 7:00pm and the suns starting to set. I look around to try and find a taxi and also my mum, who seems to be missing.

'Okay Skye, listen out for a lady with a British accent... Shouldn't be that hard' I think to myself.

After about 10 minutes of searching for my crazed mother, I give up and pull out my phone. I have had it turned off throughout the flight and need to turn it on. I hold down the button and wait for it to load.

Woah! 30 calls from Luke, 20 from Jai and 10 from Beau. Why would they need me that bad? Unless it was an emergency. Can't be. Can it? Ugh! I don't know. It will have to wait until I get home... Well my new home.

I ring my mothers phone. Waiting for her to pick up. I swear she doesn't know how to use an iPhone. After about 5 times of calling her I get an answer.

"Hey sorry meet me at the north side of the airport. I some how got over here. Won't take you long love! Bye." My crazed mother says.

Before I can speak a word she hangs up.

"Right, well I need to find the north side" I say to myself.

"Do you need to find the north side?" Someone asks from behind me.

I turn around and see a tall, cute Asian behind me.

"Yeah, I do. Do you know where it is?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's down that way" he replies.

"Thanks." I smile.

I start to walk away as he stops me in my tracks by grabbing my hand.

"I'm Calum by the way" he says kissing the top of it.

"Skye" I smile.

He smiles and let's go of my tiny hands.

I walk away and start heading towards the north side.

'Phew! Was he hot!" I think to myself.

I look behind me to see if I could see 'Calum'. No luck. Oh well. I guess it was a once in a life time thing. I look back towards the north side and see my frazzled mother.

"Ah, good, you found me. Ready to go meet Gavin?" Mum asks.

I'm shocked by her question.

"What? Who's Gavin, mum?"

Luke's POV:

"For fuck sake!" I scream as blood starts pouring out of my knuckles. I can feel sharp bits of glass jammed in between them. I rush into the bathroom and start running my hand under the water. The water goes a red color and the smell is putrid. Thank god mum installed a bathroom in my room. I hear my mother running around like a lunatic outside.

I ignore her.

I can't be bothered with her.

I just want to leave.

As I put some soap on my wound to clean it out it burns like shit. Next thing I know Jai comes in from his door in the bathroom.

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask.

"Calm the fuck down bro." He says.

"No, fuck you." I barge out of the bathroom through Jai's room and out the back door.

I have to leave. I'm gonna try calling Skye. Hopefully she will answer.

'Hi, you've reached Skye...' Fuck sake! She's turned her phone off.

I see Rosie run around the corner. She falls at my feet. It's her dog. She left her here. I can't even look at a dog without wanting to cry. I have to get out of here. Everything reminds me of her. It's just depressing. I jump the fence and my leg scrapes the sharp metal piece. You got to be kidding me. I try and push the pain to the back of my mind. Just keep running Luke. Keep running.

Skye's POV:

"Don't ignore me mum! Tell me!" I yell.

"Skye! Don't you dare yell at me!" She says calmly.

"Then tell me who he is? You dragged me out here for a guy didn't you? You never got a job did you? All this for a fucking guy?" I scream.

"Watch your mouth young lady," She sighs, "I met Gavin in High School and after the divorce with your father, Gavin told me he had a place for us to stay."

"We could of stayed at Gina's!" I say.

"I know but I love Gavin." She trails off.

"What?!" I ask.

" Skye stop arguing and go over there, Gavin is meeting us there" she explains.

I roll my eyes and walk over towards a sign. I see a silver car heading towards us. The car horn honks and mums face lightens up. Yep, it's Gavin. Mum is acting like a fan of One Direction or something. Ew. One Direction.. I can't believe I use to like them...

"This is Gavin, be nice" she claps.

Whatever mum.

I stay on my phone the whole time he is talking to mum. Twitter can save me from the boringness.

Hurry up and load Twitter.

Nothing is on my news feed.. Nothing interesting.. Until I get to Jai's last tweet.

"@JaiBrooks1: When you're brother smashes everything and you have to clean it up."

There is a picture attached and it's Luke's room. Why would there be a smashed mirror and a hole in the wall?

Oh no. Luke. Last time I ran away for a day Luke tried doing some stuff and now that I'm gone for a while, he might hurt himself and do something stupid. That probably explains the amount of calls from the boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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