Chapter 3 - The Others

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The voice sounded like a young, woman's voice.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"This magical world is our home, I know you shouldn't care but I beg of you to save our special kingdom. We asked only certain people who could take on this challenge. Look around."
I did as she said, my eyes wandered around the area. After a few seconds, nothing happened but then I saw movement in the other patches of lilacs. More kids, that looked to be around my age, sat up. Some rubbed their eyes, and others looked around, dazed.
"You kids had an urge to escape the real world all because of personal conflicts. I knew of your desires and I brought you here."
She was right, I have always wanted to escape reality and slip into a world where I can spend time away from all the horrors. Now that this was real, that I was seeing this with my own eyes I feel...relieved. That's when I knew my prayers had been answered.

The hooded woman went around the pond talking to the other kids. Finally, she called us all over to group up together.

"Now that you all understand your purpose in this world, I can give you your groups and missions."

She said groups...I don't work too well in groups. What if they figure out my status and act like all the kids at school? But then I remembered.
None of these kids know me, I can start all over.
That thought washed over me and I almost started tearing up, but I held my tears back.

"Devin, Matthew, Rachel, Lindsey, and Jack. You are a group. Gather together and get to know each other."

I didn't know who any of these people were, how was I supposed to find them? The lady kept calling groups. I went over to a group of kids that had gathered.
"Hi I'm Rachel," I smiled awkwardly.
"Oh, then you're in our group. My name is Devin."
"Nice to meet you Devin, so let's introduce ourselves. I'm 15, I love to read, and I love to listen to music."

"Sup, I'm Jack. I'm 16 and I love to play sports and video games." Jack had lovely black hair and sea blue eyes. He was very attracting, but I quickly looked away to avoid eye contact, in case he looked at me. 

"As you know, I'm Devin. I am also 16. Uh..I'm a pretty boring person, I watch YouTube and I also play video games sometimes." Devin seemed like a strong, funny guy to hang around with.

"Hey, I'm Matthew, I like to wrestle, um..I participate in soccer and football, and hang with friends. I'm also 15." I feel like Matthew and I could get along well.

"My name is Lindsey, I love to read, do art, be with friends, and style clothes and hair. I am 15 years old." I instantly knew I should be friends with Lindsey, I mean, she is the only other girl in our group.

"Well, this is a nice group. I think we will get along quite well," Devin exclaimed cheerfully.

The hooded woman called all the groups together. "I will give you all a special sword. They are unique only to you so treat it carefully. You will use your wings and swords to fight against any evil you come across. Don't worry, you will all have individual free time to train. You may leave and adventure, there are some sleeping beds in the big trees surrounding the castle. The castle is a few minutes that way, I recommend you fly," she pointed over the trees,"I hope I will see you all later." I felt my waist get a little heavier, I looked down and saw that my sword had appeared in my sheath. I decided to look at it later.

I used the muscles in my back to try to get my wings to start. It wasn't a difficult task, I easily lifted up into the air. I looked up and saw everyone else attempting to fly too. I flew over to Lindsey. "Hey Lindsey, do you want to room together?" She looked up shyly and nodded. "Here take my hand," I reached my hand out and she grabbed it. I flew up a little and she slowly lifted off the ground.
"Thank you," she smiled.
"Anytime," I giggled.
Together we flew over the trees and past the pond. After a while of flying, a big, bright castle emerged. I was in awe. I looked at the tall trees surrounding it. We flew over to a beautiful tree, "Want to sleep here?"
"Yeah, sure."
We flew into a hole and looked around the inside of the vast tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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