Act 0

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"Hello my love." Vegeta spoke with a bright smile on his face  as he saw his husband walk through the door, of course he was late. He couldn't have it better nonetheless. Vegeta knew his husband was a very successful businessman and that type of work involved so much work . . . but for the past two weeks, his raven haired man had been late for helping with dinner, something that he would never dare to do.

"Bonjour my rose." Goku spoke as he placed his briefcase on the floor next to the sofa, stripping away his top part of the tux.

"How was work?" The smaller saiyan smiled as he begun to set the table.

"The usual, productive but yet boring. Not." Goku spoke the last word under his breath with a guilty shaken voice.

"Of course." Vegeta giggled.

Goku made his way to the kitchen and held his husband with his arms, placing a kiss on his cheek then taking a seat at the table. "What's for dinner?"

"Your favorite. Turkey, ham, and a side of mashed potato with gravy on the side. And as a drink, I got us some of that vodka you like honey."

"Oh, great." Goku spoke.

Vegeta looked over at his husband, who had his back turned, with a confused face. Something was definitely wrong with him. He arrived home late from work, spoke short phrases, and to top it all off, he seemed a little reserved now. Had he begun to lose inte-

"Papa, you're back from work!"

Goku looked up from the dinner table to one of his kids, Gogeta, and right behind him came trotting Vegito.

"Why so late dad?" Vegito spoke.

The father got up and walked to his kids, picking them up in his arms, laugher following from the boys.

"It was very busy today, I couldn't just leave in the middle of work." Goku laughed.

". . . " Vegeta could tell that his spouse was lying with the tone of his voice.

"Oh? Well alright papa." Gogeta laughed.

"Alright, the three of you, go wash up, dinner is getting served." The small saiyan spoke as he turned to his family.

"Yes mama!" Both kids spoke before jumping out of their dad's arms and to the bathroom.

. . .

Goku laid in bed in his usual attire, boxers and shirtless. Vegeta? He was bathing, per usual. The big man didn't understand why he had begun to feel so different around Vegeta now. The two had been married for so long. Whatever it was . . . it was driving him nuts and farther away from his partner.


"Mr. Son, we have someone new to the business. He would like to meet you before beginning his shift."

Goku continued to look outside through his window at the city's view, signaling to his assistant that he could allow the newcomer in.

Silence followed, then footsteps neared his deck.

"Good morning Mr. Son."

The sweet voice made Goku's hair stand on ends, and his eyes widen. The inflicting smell of citrus fruits followed. The man turned to see who this new person was and to his surprise, his eyes met with a captivating, lovely figure.

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