Clara Stark? Who is she?

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"Clara! Wait up!" Loki my fiancé yelled at me from behind. I was busy in trying to find wifi. My phone I made has died so now I have to use this phone with no wifi. I got mad and chucked it at a wall. It shattered to a million pieces.
I stormed off and ran into the next room possible. The dress maker's room. My wedding gown was there so beautiful. When I touched it caught flames. Loki turned into Laufey. The walls changed into the cell.
That's when I jolted awake, limited by my chains. The dreams I have had them for a while. Who is this Loki? Laufey's guards bursts in and picked me up by my neck. One undid my chains the other slung me over his back.
I was slung onto the floor but I protected my stomach. For I am with child but the father was unknown. Ha maybe it is this Loki guy's child. Any-who. "Clara, hahaha welcome to my lab. You see I have always down this before we used magic on you. No you won't remember. So we have found out that cause the father of the child is a magic bearer. You and your child will also be magic bearers. My sorcerers wish to make sure you and your offspring are the most powerful beings.
They dragged me up on a chair, they chained me down. Three People in black robes moved forward. They chanted in harmony. Black and grey began to surround me. The pain hurt to much. I cried out in agony. My child was my last thought before I blacked out.
When I woke up I was in a soft bed. The room was beautiful. I sat up, I was in a bed with a blanket that where the colors of red, yellow, and a hint or small light blue.
"Hello Ms.Stark." A voice rang out. "Who are you? Where are you?" I hissed. My hands had a hint of green magic floating around them, prepared to protect my child. "I have alerted your father you are awake." The man called out. So he dodged my questions.
My doors burst open I threw a green magic flame ball at the door. It made a hole in the door. There was a man there. He had black hair with slight curls, he also had a goatee. He had a black shirt with a glowing blue light at his heart. Just like mine.
"C-Clara?!" He said my name. "How do you know my name?!" I hissed at him. Another man, also with dark hair much curlier. He was in a purple shirt.
"Clara! You are awake!" He hollered. Not a good idea, for I throw another flame. "Oh you should really know not to upset a witch!" I hissed ready to strike again. They where shocked. "C-C-Clara. How a witch?" The goatee man asked.
I flicked my hand up revealing a green flame, it danced in between my fingers. When I snapped my hand shut they disappeared. I was tired so I drifted off to sleep.

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