Buttered Corn

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saltysukki got kidnapped by Tanapples. *Wink wonk*

Tetsu glared at Hugh and slapped him across the face. Hugh gasped. Tetsu pinched Hugh's side. Hugh squealed. Tetsu gaped as Hugh suddenly grew long legs and became the longest person ever.

"gGggggGgggGgggggGASP hUgh?!" Tetsu gasped in disbelief, watching in horror as the Servamp of Pride loomed menacingly over him.

Hugh buttered Tetsu :^)

Hugh ate the buttered corn :^)

Tetsu no longer breaths :^)

Tetsu is a ballerina. In fact, he's the only one who looks beautiful in those light pink frills.

Oh how everything seemed to— hAHAHA. pLOT TWISt.

Tetsu reformed. Hugh gasped.

" r U uh criztuL gYM?!"

Tetsu cut Hugh in half.


Hugh collapsed to the ground and shook his fist at Tetsu who was now in a  trampy shrimp costume.

"cURSE yOu DARN CORIZIRIANS gIMS!" Hugh cried. Dead he is.

Tetsu smoke weed then he ate Hughadoo. Tetsu was out there somewhere. He was known as bUTTERED coRN. With extra salt.

Tetsu faced the screen, "hEY GUYS, you shoulD follow saltysukki because she's awesoME AND and AND anD she mAekz cool stUff, she dOes amAzing,"

bABOOM. Miso soup grabbED TETSU, stRaddling him beZfore inhalIng his peRFECT SCENt.


The end.

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