Haunted |Tristan Evans AU|

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She stared in horror as bloody handprints started appearing on the white walls of her bedroom.

She started backing away and towards the door.

Fear surged through her as she tried and failed to twist the door knob.

She started rattling the damn thing as a loud clattering started to get louder and louder.

' Mom! Mom! ' She shouted desperately, and started to sob as an invisible hand tugged at her shirt.

She could see the faint outline of the thing that always came for her and only her.

foolish girl did you think you were able to escape me it laughed

Her sobs now came ragged as she tried screaming for her mother.

quiet! the thing snarled.

'MOM!' She screamed her loudest yet.

i will stop at nothing dear Annabelle

you know that

She felt the collar of her shirt being bunched together.

She gasped and let out a fear laced scream.

Someone was now trying to force the door of her room open.

She was thrown against the wall.

beautiful Annabelle, haven't I told you to stop crying!

She jammed her fingers into her ears, trying to block out it's voice.

Bad move.

The voice now echoed in her head.

very soon, my love

She knew she was about to pass out.

Groaning, she made her way back to the door.

Then it was black.

james Mcvey threw himself against the door again

The door simply refused to open.

He held tightly onto his aching shoulder and spared the others a glance.

Tristan looked to be on the verge of breaking down.

Bradley seemed to be horrified of the pained screams that escaped from the girl trapped in the room.

Connor was clenching and unclenching his fists, face distorted in worry for the girl.

He was giving up.

The door swung open on it's own accord, forcefully.

Mrs Flame pushed by him and let out a horrified gasp.

Annabelle Flame was unconscious.

At first glance she seemed at peace.

But at second, blood crusted the crown of her head and scratches littered her arms, legs and stomach.

Lorraine Evans looked thunderous.

She grasped the arm of the unconscious girl and pushed the sleeve up.

Nicolette Flame peered from behind her and let out a cry.

As engraved in Annabelle's skin were the words

soon, my love, i will come for you.

Haunted |Tristan Evans AU|Where stories live. Discover now