As if my day couldn't be worse, it did. World geography, a class that even isn't that bad, got ten times worse. Reason why is the fact that it has most of the people I hate in it. Whoop-dee-doo!
Sometimes I wish that my classes were normal, is that too much to ask? I mean, seriously, sure we can eat in that class, Great! But honestly assigned seats? Way to ruin someone's day right there and then, fantastic! Just perfect. anyway, I had to walk all the way to my locker so I could get my textbook. Yay... thank goodness that the period after next is lunch, even though its not much better.
So, another chapter is out, if you can call them chapters, more like little paragraphs. I'm only writing right now is so that I don't have to do my biology homework.
The Mind of The Average Teenager
Teen FictionBecause I got bored. I changed parts of the third chapter because I realized I was writing Carson's schedule.