Here I Come.

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Tyler was praying, pleading desperately for something... ANYTHING to change. He didn't want to be here anymore... in this place... on this Earth... he just didn't want it anymore.
He was home alone when he thought of just ending it all. No one was listening... not even God, who is supposed to care about and listen to everyone. It seemed to Tyler that he needed to leave.

Tyler walked downstairs from his room to the family room. He looked up at the crucifix on the wall and collapsed onto the floor. After a few minutes, he got up  from limply laying there and pushed himself up so he could kneel. Once he kneeled, he stared, very angry at the crucifix and taunted it. He would say softly "here. here." Then he would scream "HERE I COME". He was very angry. "I'M COMING TO YOU. TODAY."

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