Chapter 2: Mr. Ghostface killer

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*** As promised, here is the second chapter to this Scream fanfic of mine. Here is where things actually get a little interesting and Hayley starts to develop an attraction for Billy ^_^ Also, i new gang of characters is introduced (and yes, i know they aren't in the movie but i threw 'em in there anyways because, hey, its a fanfic) Anyways, enjoy! :)                                                                                                                                                                     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The school was a beehive of activity the next day. I walked through the halls a bit dazed myself. I hadn't known Casey or her boyfriend for that matter. They were far richer and more popular than myself, which meant they didn't associate with me, much like the majority of the school truth be told.

I went to my first period class and while the teacher tried some half-ass bonding with the students over the great tragedy, I started a new drawing in my notebook. This one happened to be of Leatherface preparing to start on his latest batch of victims. I was inspired what could I say.

By the time enough fake tears had been shed, people were being yanked into the principal's office to talk to the police. When my turn came, I realized that Tatum's brother was in there and that the other officers were giving my Jason Voorhees t-shirt the once over. I guess they figured anyone who would wear something with masked murderer on it would have to be the killer.

Since I was still relatively new to the town and had no kind of ties to the victims, I was let go with a rather lingering pat on the shoulder from the principal and a look of mistrust from Deputy Dewey and his buddies.

I was walking out of the building and heading down the enclosed path that ran between in and the cafeteria when Scott Daniels and his crew saw me.

Scott was what would be considered a stoner and his gang of three followers were some of the biggest dicks to walk the halls of Woodsboro High. I'd tangled with them before over the past few months. They loved tormenting me because I was an easy target for a couple reasons. 1. I was a girl, and 2. I was usually alone.

This time being no exception, and all the attention being focused on the deaths of two students, they saw an opportunity.

"Why look it's the Bride of Frankenstein boys." Scott’s rat-like face grinned happily and I found myself surrounded by the stench of leather and unwashed greasy hair when his crew trapped me between them. "I wonder if she knows who butchered one of the finest pieces of ass this school had." He was obviously talking about Casey.

I glared at Scott but didn't say anything. I just wanted to get away from them. But it didn't appear to be in the cards. While the idiot on the left of me, Franklin I think his name was, wrapped his fingers around my wrist, catching my attention, Scott grabbed my messenger bag from my right shoulder. That bag had my sketches, my CD player, CD's, a lot of things that were precious to me that I carried everywhere I went. "Well lookie what I got." He teased aloud.

I was beyond pissed at this point. I went to hit him, but my other wrist was grabbed and I was held there, struggling to get free while Scott started rummaging inside my bag. He pulled out my sketchbook and started thumbing through it. "You are one sick fuck Hayley. Look at this shit guys." He held it out to show his buddies, the page showing my portrait of Michael Myers. I'd done it in pencil, with the only color being the red of the blood. "I bet she did have something to do with it…I wonder what the cops would say to this Hayley. You think they'd lock you up on suspicion?"

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