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He was quick to find her and even swifter to figure out her routines. The beauty moved in patterns, she followed a designed path. She took the train into the city, from the outskirts where the buildings began to lower but she still lives on the highest level of her apartment.

Kylo Ren had never been the one to enjoy a train-ride, especially in the early hours of a chilly day, but he couldn't help but find slight enjoyment from watching her rest her temple on the rattling widow, where the cast of her misty breath layers on the pane before she draws with her dainty finger, a hallow heart upon it.

A thick and peeling portfolio sits among her lap, giving him the idea that she is an artist, but in the silent darkness from below her apartment the night before, he had already seen the skills of her painted artistry, and if you'd ask him – Kylo Ren would tell you that he is now her biggest fan.

His world, remarkably, seems more peaceful now that he knows, she lives in it and though he is craving to move closer from his seat behind her, he can tell that from the way his stomach churns for something dangerous, that this isn't just another victim he longs to kill, but some precious thing, which hauntingly, he cannot figure out what he wishes to do with.

She reminds him of the time when his Mother brought home a baby kitten when he was seven, and as his little chubby fingers reached for it, Kylo couldn't help but want to squeeze it because he didn't understand why he found it so... cute.

But she wasn't cute – Oh, God no, thought Kylo. She was stunning. She was something to make even the poets scratch out what they presumed beauty to be and just sketch a picture of her on the blank slate instead.

Her large liquid eyes held such an intelligence and serenity that it was impossible for him not to be held prisoner by them and he swore once that he would never be caught by anything, or anyone.

Her subtle smile at the stranger in-front of her, captivated Kylo even though it wasn't directed to him.

He utterly hated her for making him form some unbound devotion for her, which he couldn't figure out where it stemmed ultimately from, nor could he figure out a way to kill it – he had to kill her, he had to watch her blood seep out of her veins, it would be something that even her own paintings couldn't compete with the glory, but somehow as Kylo stared, he couldn't think of a single, possible way to do it...

She needed something special. Something that has never been done before, but he's killed women in every, single, possible way imaginable – so what was he going to do with this beloved?

When the heart upon the window began to diminish, she didn't go over it again to stain the window with her fingerprints, but instead she only watched it disappear as the train rode into the city – but she got off one stop early, departing by the train-station which curled around the edge of her college campus, the very one Kylo had picked out her missing friend, Alaska Black, from.

The spirit of the world seemed to hover beneath her feet as Kylo followed closely behind – him too, clinging onto a book to make himself blend invisible with the multiple students who trudged into the college. As the wind whispered through her hair, he quickened his pace just enough and swore that it smelt like the scent of flowers and his spirit only jolted to wish to know, what the rest of her naked flesh smelt like.

Her presence must wake up the birds and all the life around her, for Kylo Ren can't help but scowl at every passerby who glances her grand way, and he incoherently curses to the occasional chirps of the world's awakening to her enchantment.

She has to be his. He has to be hers. Kylo cannot seem to bare the idea of sharing her even with the pale, blue sky nor the rain which begins to softly fall onto her soft cheeks – he wants to swipe them all away and then her too, into his rough and dangerous arms.

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