Hillbilly hell. Or should I say Cajun? #3

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Hey! Two uploads in one day? Yep I'm just that awesome..Which translates to I'm sick and have nothing to do. Tehe anyway it will probably get interesting in a couple of chapters I'm thinking heartbreak and betrayal with maybe a cute guy or two mixed in there X)


Recap: I felt eyes boring into the back of my head, I had goose bumps, I turned slowly around to see.......

The bitchiest girl in my school was smirking at me? Sort of like she knew something funny that I didn't know but was obvious to everyone else...weird.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted when my BFF ,since kindergarten, got on the bus. She has short dirty blondish hair and pretty eyes she may be clumsy but walks like a dancer because of her many years of dancing. She was wearing a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie. As she saw me staring she looked up at me and smiled.

"What's up Miranda?" I patted the seat next to me.

"Nothing but the Damn cold" Miranda said as she shivered.

"I know and the bus driver left the windows down! She's trying to kill us, I swear!" I yelled

"I wouldn't be surprised if she just decided to veer off the road one day and kill us all" said Miranda.

"True, true" I mumbled.

We spent the rest of the bus ride talking about the crazy bus driver and Monty python.

School was pretty uneventful...if only I would have known it wouldn't last.

DAY LATER-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I was sitting in Spanish class listening to my insane teacher when someone kicked the back of my chair. I turned around and saw one of the stupid pimple face jocks lift up his phone. "Nice tits" he said. I was confused and angry and was about to say some not so nice words to him when I saw what was playing on his phone. My mouth fell open and I immediately paled. On the screen of his phone was a video of me and John having an intense make out session....that wasn't the worst of it....I was naked. Tears started to well up in my eyes. My voice cracked when I said "W-who sent you this?"

"John of course" He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world! My John, my sweet caring John?! My tears started to spill down my face and the thing I call my heart broke in two. I got so pissed I took his phone and smashed it in the ground.

"Ms. Ray!" My Spanish teacher yelled. I turned to her, tears streaming down my face, "yes bitch?"

"Ms. Ray you can walk yourself to the principals!" She hissed. Gladly I thought anything to get me out of this place! So I ran to the girl's bathroom and called my mom to come pick me up, then I sat down on the toilet and put my elbows on my knees and cried my heart out.

That night I didn't sleep I just cried until all that came out was dry,gut wrenching sobs. I had thought I loved him, and the worst part was that we did way more then make out in that video and it was being spread across the school. I hadn't even known he was videotaping it. The one I thought loved had betrayed me, for once I couldn't wait to move.


When I got on the bus I sent a text out to all my friends saying that I was moving in a couple of days. I got back a bunch of 'WTF?! NOOOOO' WHYYYY' and the ever so classic 'it's ok you can live with me' I was glad my friends still loved me.

When I passed people in the hallways some guys shouted perverted things at me, like "hey sexy party in my basement? Or "Your body's smoking" Some braves ones tried to scoop me or grab my ass. Perverts! It was defiantly the worst day ever!

I was walking to lunch when I saw John. My body froze and I had to resist my urge to run in the other direction screaming and crying. Instead I settled for giving him a dirty glare and what's he do? He fucking winks at me!!!!! I stormed over to my table and some of my friends notice my frustration.

Zoey is the first to notice. "You okay, hon" she asks and gives me a sympathetic look. I hang with some popular people but I also am friends with not so popular people. But most of my friends are trustworthy so I spilled my guts out to them about Spanish, John, and my broken heart. They all muttered things like "poor baby!" "Its ok were here for you" But my favorite was Eden who jumped up and like a black girl took off her earrings and said" im gonna woop his ass!" It was pretty funny considering she's a petite girl, she's only 5 feet, with flaming red hair. Though the look on her face told you she was serious, you could practically see the steam coming out her ears. God, how I love that girl.

The rest of my week continued like that. Constant support from my friends and guys who would stare at me with looks in their eyes that made me shudder. I also had the joy of packing up the house. Note the sarcasm.

It was the last day of school for me and for everyone else; the only difference was I wouldn't be coming back to this school. That's also when I decided enough sulking, it was time for revenge! The rest of the day I ignored all the nasty comment, I was in the best mood I had been in since this whole incident happened. Its true revenge is sweet and let me tell you I'm going to do something this whole school will never forget....


Maybe push him down a flight of stairs?

Nahh not revengie (yes it's a word I made up) enough.

Want to find out?




And turn to the next page and you will find out!

Loves ya : )

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