Hillbilly Hell. Or should I say Cajun? 4

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Hey I'm back! Ya it's been nine months :O so sorry! But honestly I didn't feel a need to write. So instead of studying for mid-terms I decided to continue writing:) I have a little bit of writers block but I know the rest of the story perfectly! Anyways enjoy!


It was really the last day, the last day of middle school, Georgia, friends, and my life. Dramatic much? I know but really my life's kind of been torn apart! So I'm going to make sure they never forget me...

I was walking through the hallway trying to get to my next class before the bell rang when my friend Miranda ran up to me.

"You look stunning!" She yelled. The smile on her face was from ear to ear.

I looked at her and said, "I have to be, I won't be forgotten, especially on a day like today!" Winked at her and a mischievous grin appeared on her face. She knew exactly what I was going to do.  The bell rang and she gave me a hug then ran away. I decided I probably shouldn't be late and started speeding down the hallway, thoughts running through my head a mile a minute.

As I walked into the class I was eyed down by a short plump, blonde lady. "You're late Krissy! If it wasn't the last day I'd give you detention."I shook my head and took my seat next to Zoe. If only she knew what I was planning...she'd give me a thousand detentions.

Zoe immediately turned to me, her bright brown eyes twinkling. "So I have it all set up, when the principal ends his speech,  that will be your que to go down!"

"That's perfect!" I exclaimed. Several kids around me stopped their conversations and looked at me. I forgot I need to keep my voice down! I'm getting used to people staring at me though.

The teacher was cleaning her desk and putting papers into big brown boxes. Her walls were bare and gave the room an eerie sense. It used to be filled with bright motivational posters, papers scattered everywhere, and the board was always a thousand colors from so much writing! But today it was clean, everything was nearly spotless.

 Next year new kids will sit in our desks and get a new chance at making friends, and impressing the teacher. That's exactly what I needed; a new chance, but I can't leave unattended business here, can I? My momma always said, "Once you start something, make sure you finish it." That's exactly what I planned to do, finish him.

Suddenly a robotic voice broke my concentration. "At this time will all 8th graders report to the auditorium"

Groans were heard across the room. No one ever wants to go to the auditorium and listen to our principal give us a "pep talk" about high school. Its high school, it really can't be that much different then middle school!  

What I didn't know then is that again I was wrong; I have a tendency to be wrong.

My teacher's screechy voice broke our complaints as she yelled "form a line and no talking!"

Come on were old enough to not walk in single lines! Either way we all marched like ants in a single file line all the way down to the gym.

When we entered the huge place, I looked for Miranda or Eden in the yellow bleachers. A group of girls in the corner at the top called for me and I quickly shuffled my way there, but also tried to look graceful incase John was watching. I had my shoulders back and my head held high, my heels were making a clicking noise on the hard wood floor; I got at least three whistles and a couple claps. Thank God that would all be over soon!

As I was walking up the steps I passed John sitting down and this time I winked at him. I got the general Oooo's from his friends. John just smiled and tried to smack my but as I walked by but I gracefully dodged it. Lots of my friends gave me confused looks and some yelled cuss words at John.

Daniel was the first to embrace me, "I can't believe it's your last day hon, what will I do without you?!" She screamed. "I know it's horrible, but you can always call me!" I said sweetly. Poor girl looked on the verge of tears. Everyone in my little circle seemed down, except for Miranda she just winked at me.

The principal started banging on the mike yelling "one, two, chicken!" Ah got your attention didn't I? I'm glad to have all of you seated here today! You were all caterpillars but have blossomed into beautiful butterflies. I hope you study hard and have fun in High school. Remember that..."

I had zoned out at this point and really didn't care what he had to say. I was more focused on what was going to happen soon. I was tapping my leg up and down, biting my nails trying to concentrate.  I completely ruined my manicure.

"So Tigers go out in the world and show them what you're made of!" He made a grr noise and then everything went black. Every single light in there had been turned off. Whispers were running through the crowd and I heard one girl scream.

Then a single bright light was flashed. It was aimed at me. I was standing there at the top of the bleachers with a single spotlight on me; it followed my every movement as I descended the stairs, trying desperately not to fall. With an expressionless mask I walked down, my dress swishing around me. Yet again I got whistles.

I walked to the podium where my principal was standing and grabbed the microphone. The light was blinding but I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

I cleared my throat, and then spoke the words clearly and slowly "Will John please come down here?"

People started going crazy and yelling "get some" with the general ooo's and the occasional wtf is going on?

Another spotlight suddenly started shining exactly where John was sitting. He looked amuse, and a little too relaxed. He started jogging down the stairs with his head up and a huge grin. He made it to the podium and said "hey sexy" then winked. By now the crowd was wildly whispering and hollering inappropriate things, but I didn't care. I was about to get my revenge and he had no idea how deep he was in....


I know it's short and boring but it's about to get realllyyy interesting. I'm actually really excited about the part where she moves because that's when everything gets fun! I know you're wondering what's about to happen to John! At least I hope you are! He picked the wrong girl to mess with ;) Anyways Vote, comment, and stay tuned! I really do love comments, it makes my day :) Next chapter up soon!

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