It has been a couple of months since I saw Murphy and I’ve been married to him for four years now, and no children are in our future at the present time. He was really worried when I phoned to say I couldn’t make it last month but if I went to the airport I would have been taken to prison, the streets were looking for me because I started a shootout and held a someone hostage when the police surrounded me but luckily I was in disguise, but I didn’t want to risk anything.
“Murph. I’m getting on the plane now chill babe!”
“He cannae.” Conner said, “He’s excited ta see ya Blair.” I smiled.
“I know Con.” I said with a laugh. “I’m going to be on business also when I’m visiting you.”
“Why?” Conner, Murphy and Noah asked and I laughed.
“I’ll explain when you pick me. bye getting on the plane now!” I said and hung up.
When I got out of the terminals, I was rammed into a hug and lifted off my feet and Murphy kissed me and a lot of people smiled and pointed at us but I enjoyed this moment.
“I missed ya so much Blair! I love ya so much.”
“I missed you too Murph. And I love you just as much.”
A couple of girls walked past us, some aww-ed the rest gave me death stares. Murphy is mine bitches so fuck off.
“See ya haven’t lost tha’ accent.” Murph said as he put me down on my feet again.
“nope, keeping this bad boy.” I said with a grin.
“When are ya going ta retire?”
I laughed at Murphy and grabbed my case and walked to Conner and hugged him and Noah and we walked to their car.
“Not soon Murph…. When are you coming back to America? Greenly, Dolly and Duffy miss you… And you missed Smecker’s funeral.” I said. All three of the guys stopped in their tracks and turned to look at me.
“How did he die?” Conner asked.
“I don’t know. Just went to his funeral.”
“He was a good man.” Murphy said.
“Aye.” Conner agreed and we continued on our way. Murphy sat with me in the back of the car and intertwined our fingers, every now and then he would bring our hands up to his mouth and lightly kiss my hand.
“STOP!” I yelled to Noah and he slammed on the breaks and turned to look at me. I grabbed my guns and jumped out the car, “Business, don’t ask.” I said before any of them could ask what I was doing.
“So? We need to organise something here Cian. (pronounced Key-in).”
“Aye. You're killing my men, slaughtering them.” He replied.
“Yea, so tell them to back off or we wipe you out simple and easy.” Cian was a terrible leader, he was a push over so he just agreed and I left.
“Easy as pi.” I said to the boys and we went to the farm. I spent all my time with Murphy, never once did I leave his side or vica versa.
When I left again, I felt like the boys would be back in a couple of years. “Shave those damn beards!” I yelled to them. Murphy smirked and Conner and Noah hugged me and went to the car.
“Blair, we look good like this.” Con said sarcastically.
“You look like clean hobos.” I said and both of the twins laughed.
“I’m going ta miss ya” Murphy said
“I’ll miss ya too babe. I love you! And I’ll be back soon. Promise.” I held my pinky out and he looped his pinky with mine.

The Saints and the sinister "Angel" (BDS/ Murphy Macmanus)
Fiksi PenggemarBlair Berg is part of the Swedish mob because of her father being the boss. After a long trip back from a field job in Russia, Blair is asked to attend a meeting that is important to the mob. However, the meeting doesn't go as planned because of two...