Know You

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“I love you beyond words.”

I took her hand in mine and squeezed it then kissed her with as much passion as possible. She smiled as she kissed me back and pulled away slowly "okay so what else to talk about?" She's so cute when she's thinking "um lets see I lived in Arizona before I moved to Illinois to live with my grandma. The only thing I miss in AZ is the cabin my uncle had in Heber it was my favorite place to be." I looked at her "I've never been to Heber AZ, what did you love about it?" She smiled even wider "oh my God I have to take you next 4th of July! They have amazing fireworks. I love that it is a cozy family town literally everyone there is so sweet. I think I miss most the pine trees the smell of them makes me feel safe." She is literally glowing just talking about it "oh my God Tasch it sounds amazing!" She nodded "I want to own land up there one day and have a nice cabin to stay at". I smiled if it is as nice as you say I would agree with that." Her smile grew more than I thought was possible. She looks so freaking happy now I really do want to go now I want to see the place she feels at home. I kissed her nose “you are making me want to go now maybe I could extend my stay in Az when we get there.” She smiled wide “oh my God that would make me so happy!” She kissed my lips and smiled then kissed my cheeks “I love you I love you I love you”. I laughed "you are so cute!" I poked her nose "DEMMIII" she squealed as I started tickling her. She tried to leap up out of my arms I kind of caught her but we fell to the floor. We broke out into laughter "your turn!" She looked at me quirking her eyebrows oh no. She sat on me and began tickling me “STAAAAP”. I tried to fight it but it was no use my laughter echoed in the room I feel sorry for the people in the rest of this hotel I'm sure they can all hear me. She stopped and looked at me with a dorky smile "you are so gorgeous Dems!" She ran her hands lightly from my shoulders to my stomach. Great now I have goosebumps she unbuttoned the top button which was actually the third one down since she left the others unbuttoned. She kissed my lips and my jawline then she kissed down my neck oh my God can she get any sexier! I ran my hands down her back and grabbed her ass. She smiled as she kissed my breasts I let out a quite moan. How do we always end up here "Tascha Mmm" she sat up and smirked at me I looked at her begging "please stop it, you're killing me!" She laughed "okay okay lets get back to talking about me!" She said in a preppy voice I laughed "yes lets!" She got up and pulled me up with her she sat on the couch and pulled me down on top of her. I snuggled up to her and smiled at her I looked into her beautiful eyes I could just lay here forever. She smiled at me and wrapped her arms around me. I just feel so safe "so what else do you want to know about me?" She said lightly I don't know I thought about it Hmm. "Oh my God Demi you are so cute when you do that" I looked at her "do what?" She giggled "when you scrunch your eyebrows while thinking". I smiled "your a dork" she shook her head "nope not me" she said sarcastically. I laughed "tell me what was your favorite movie as a Kid?" She instantly said "The Lion King!" I smiled "the first one?!" We looked at each other "Yes!!" We said together cheekily smiling. We busted up laughing "we rock!" She said laughing and winked at me okay she is super cheesy. She quirked her eyebrow "we rock we rock on!" I said cheekily going along with her she laughed "oh my God you are awesome!" She said while continuing to laugh. I poked her "you are such a lovatic" she got serious "and I'm proud of that!!" I laughed "my girlfriend is a lovatic and I love her!" She smiled "cause that's the way Demi likes to do it that's the way she likes." Seriously she is so cute "staap it" I poked her "but Demi that's the way I like to do it!" I rolled my eyes "okay okay I get it TaschaVatic!" She blushed I pecked her lips "okay how about we eat something?" She said happily I nodded "what are you hungry for?" She shrugged her shoulders "foooood!" I poked her nose "no shit" she smiled like a kid who was just given candy. I quirked my eyebrow "what?" She smiled wider "I just love when you cuss". This girl is ridiculous "I'm sure you do" I laughed and got up. I pulled her off the couch and into my arms "how about some pizza?" She nodded "sounds good" she kissed my nose "alright I'll order..." we looked at each other "pepperoni!" We busted up laughing "alright pizza time!" I poked her nose and walked to the phone. I could feel Tascha staring at me I turned my head and winked at her. I ordered a pizza and soda then turned back to see Tascha bending over switching the movie. All I could see was her cute ass, I couldn't help myself. I walked towards her slowly and put my hands lightly on her ass and wrapped my arms around her waist. She pushed her body back into me I squeezed her tight. I brushed her hair over her shoulder and kissed her neck lightly I licked her earlobe and sucked it. I ran my hands down her waist lower and lower "Mmm Demi". She moaned I smiled removed my hands and slapped her ass and plopped down on the couch. She sighed loudly "why!?" I laughed "because we need to eat when the pizza comes". She pouted and came over to the couch and stood over me then straddled me. I put my hands on her hips "what if I'm not hungry for pizza anymore?" She asked smirking at me she ran her hands from my waist to my neck. Then she crashed her lips on mine I kissed her back roughly. She kissed down my neck "Mmm babe" I pulled her down on me hard I want her so freaking bad! She kissed lower and lower and started unbuttoning my shirt more and more. I gasped when she got to my breasts I grabbed her ass. Wait what am I doing I lifted her head up to look into her eyes they were filled with lust. I could have her right now but I can't I can't screw this up. She put her hands on my oh my God can she not! I grabbed her hands "Tascha please I, I can't do this". She quirked her head to the side "I'm sorry this room is just so hot!" She winked at me "I just can't help myself". I laughed "and you're making it impossible for me to control myself!" She laughed and poked my nose she kissed me lightly and then pulled away when there was a knock at the door. She stood up “PIZZA!” I laughed as she skipped to the door she opened it and the pizza guy just stood there staring. She didn’t seem to notice as she asked bubbly “how much?” He cleared his throat “um uh ten dollars” he is practically drooling! She grabbed her purse and gave him the money “thanks” he kept staring “no problem”. She turned and he grabbed her arm oh hell no get your paws off my girl! I stood up and cleared my throat as I walked over to them he looked at me shocked and removed his hand. I put myself in between him and Tascha “Please leave” I tried my very best to keep calm. He smirked at me and winked I pushed him into the hallway “Don't test me!” He fell back and laughed “feisty I like that” is he serious “get the fuck out of here before I kick your ass!” I slammed the door and Tascha started laughing and smiling like a little kid. She wrapped her arms around my waist “you are so sexy when you're mad and seriously when you get jealous Mmm babe you turn me on!” I am still upset that guy was a pig and he touched my girl “Tascha you need to become more aware of when people are drooling over you! It drives me crazy!” She laughed and pecked my lips “he was checking you out too” I sighed “I know but I wasn’t nice back” She sighed “I’m sorry babe” she gave me a sad face and pouted I sighed “it’s okay”. I kissed her and she smiled into my kiss then she pulled away “lets eat before I eat you” she smirked at me. I rolled my eyes “okay okay” she dragged me to the couch and pressed play on the movie. She opened the liter bottle of Pepsi and took a drink and then handed it to me. I laughed “classy” she nodded “you know it” she started eating a slice of pizza and took these little baby bites she is so cute! She looked at me “stop staring at me while I eat Demi!” I laughed and took a giant bite of her piece of pizza “you know there is an entire pizza in front of you right?” I nodded trying to swallow all the pizza before talking “you said stop staring at you while you ate so I decided I’d eat with you”. She laughed “you are such a dork I love you” I smiled “I love you too my dork” I said cheekily. She grabbed another slice of pizza and gave it to me then she took a sip of Pepsi. I took a bite and relaxed back on the couch. We finished eating and Tascha laid her legs across my lap “I’m stuffed” she held her stomach holding her tiny food baby. I put my hands on her bare legs and lightly rubbed them “babe I want to know everything about you like you know everything about me.” She looked at me “my life is not half as interesting as yours and I don't know everything!” I raised my eyebrow “oh sure says the lovatic who has pictures of my ass”. She turned bright red “I don't know how experienced you are, I mean you don't broadcast your relationships. I don't know if you’re a Chevy or Ford girl. I don't know if you can cook. I don't know why you love Halloween so much. I don't know what you did on that valentines day Ryan Secreast asked you about. I am sure there is more I don't know about you so why don't we take turns hmm?” I sighed well she has got a point “okay miss Tascha what do you mean by experience?” She smiled excited that I was actually going to answer her questions “how far have you gone with girls and boys not including me?” Oh God I played with my hands “um well the first girl I ever kissed was Selena”. She smiled wide “I knew it!! You guys were a thing?” I nodded “we got as far as I have gone with you” she nodded. I took a deep breath “I have never had sex with a girl, but um Wilmer and I we were pretty serious and um he is my first and only.” I sighed she wasn’t showing any emotion oh god I just ruined everything. She looked at me “so that valentines was good?” She smirked at me I cleared my throat “um” my cheeks are on fire “I knew it! You guys would make fucking adorable kids!” I looked at her shocked “Tascha you are freaking me out if you were telling me all this I would be so jealous!” She giggled “but you are not a lovatic, I just love seeing you happy he made you happy right?” I sighed “kind of you make me happier” she smiled wide “see what do I need to be jealous about, that was then this is now”. Wow she is being so understanding “I mean he is hot as fuck so if he was good I’d be down for a threesome” She smirked at me I couldn't help but laugh "you really are one of my pervatics! You really aren't as innocent as you look". She smirked "Demi almost all your lovatics are pervs, none of us are as innocent as we look." I laughed "you guys are way too much like me!" She smiled all cheeky "you should tweet something like that I want every lovatic to feel this you just made me feel amazing I can't explain it!" I grabbed my phone off the table "what's your twitter?" She smiled "TaschaVato" I smiled "awe okay" she poked me "read it out loud”, I cleared my throat. "My new friend and very proud lovatic @TaschaVato just gave me the 411 on you guys damn ya'll are too much like me ;) #LovsticsRock". She smiled "ahh perfect!" I hit send and watched my mentions explode then Taschas phone started going off it was give your heart a break but only the beginning because all her mentions were being blown up like mine. I laughed "is that really your notification sound?" She turned it to vibrate "maybe". I poked her sides "so you have heart attack as your ring tone and give your heart a break as messages?" She nodded "do you see what I did there with the opposites?" I kissed her nose "you are so cheesy!" She laughed "I know" she looked down at her phone and started laughing "what's so funny?" She looked up "well your mentions are filled with awe we love you too and ahhh we are like Demi! While my mentions are filled with what did you tell her and all the perverted questions". I laughed "wow" she giggled then put her phone down "okay that was fun back to things I don't know about my gorgeous girlfriend!" I laid my head in her lap "okay what were your other questions?" She looked at me "um, I need to know this, it is very important, in your la la land music video you drive an old truck which is awesome, but its a Ford. Now in your song made in the USA you say our love runs deep like a Chevy. So are you a Ford girl or a Chevy girl at heart?" I laughed "Chevy for sure!" She looked at me relieved "thank God!" She started playing with my hair "tell me why you love Halloween so much. I mean my family didn't go all out so it was more like just another day". I looked at her "really?" She nodded "wow well I will have to show you when it rolls around because you've been missing out! I love being able to be whoever I want it’s just such a creative time you will understand when it comes around.” She smiled “now I’m excited for Halloween” I kissed her cheek and smiled “I’m going to make you love Halloween!” She laughed “well anything you love I love!” She played with my hair I looked at her “is it my turn to ask you questions yet?” She laughed “nope!” I sighed “what else do you want to know?” She thought about it for a moment “I want to know more about your childhood like what kind of kid were you? I mean I was the kind of girl who acted like a boy one day and was extremely girly the next.” I looked at her and thought about it for a second “um I was the same pretty much”. She gave me a half smile I’m pretty sure she could feel how uncomfortable I was. She lightly caressed my cheek “I’m sorry babe” she said lightly I smiled “it’s okay I mean there was good times I just always go directly to the bad.” She nodded “I understand” I grabbed her hand and kissed it lightly. She gave me a half smile "what was your favorite game to play as a kid?" I asked her she smiled a bit more "hide and seek because I'm boss at it!" I giggle "I love hide and seek but I think I played tag more." She smiled, a real smile finally "you just like chasing after things and always getting what you want". I smirked at her "oh really is that what you learned in school?" She laughed "maybe or maybe I just made it up, but since you were home schooled you wouldn't know the difference." She poked my nose "whatever!" I squealed as she laughed “I love you anyways” I stuck my tongue out at her “no you don’t!” She pulled me onto her lap and kissed me lightly “how do you know if I love you or not?” She questioned me I laughed and kissed her “okay okay so do you really love me?” She smiled “Duh! One I’m a Lovatic and two you are beautiful and perfect you are my light my life I love you so much no words can even come close!” I kissed her and smiled “good because I am falling over you and I want you to catch me. I love everything about you and never want to be without you Tascha. I love you like I have never loved anyone before!” She smiled and tried to hold back the tears but failed I kissed her cheeks as they split out of her eyes “Demi you have absolutely no idea what that means to me I have never felt this way before I will catch you, protect you, and never let go!” Now tears are trickling down my face I kissed her lips gently and smiled as we cleaned up our faces. She smiled at me and hugged me I put my arms around her and held her tight I whispered in her ear "you're mine and I am yours babe". She whispered back "forever" then pecked my cheek. I rested my forehead on hers "can we just stay here like this forever?" I asked "no way I am not missing my amazing girlfriend performed tomorrow!" She giggled and poked my nose I got my serious face on "I knew there was someone else!" She laughed "awe ActressVato! Your so cute!" She poked my sides making me break my serious face. I recomposed myself "speaking of tomorrow would you possible want to sing with me?" I really want to hear her I mean she sang in the car and sang along when we were packing but I want to hear her. She looked at me confused and scared "um I can't sing like no joke Demi I would not be able to win the x factor". I poked her "why don't I be the judge of that?" She shook her head no "Demi you have an incredible voice I am not even average." I raised my eyebrow "how do you know has anyone ever told you that?" She looked down "my dad I used to sing as a kid you know I'd make my own silly songs. I was going to try out for the talent show but he told me I'd embarrass myself and that I have a horrible voice". I squeezed her tight "from the way you sing along to the stereo I know you have a beautiful voice please just let me hear it!” She shook her head no I looked at her “what if I sing with you?” She looked at me nervously “hell no your voice is magic your voice gives people eargasms I am not singing along with that so I can sound even more horrible in comparison!” I sighed “you are ridiculous! Are you at least going to dance with me?” I pouted she sighed “why do you want me to be on stage with you?” I looked at her seriously “Tascha I love you and you make me happy I want you by my side all the time”. She looked at me like I was crazy “I don't get how someone like you could want to be with me all the time”. I kissed her lips gently “listen to me Tascha I LOVE YOU! It’s as simple as that!” She smiled at me and blushed “I love you too!” She kissed my lips I smiled “show me that you love me babe and sing for me please!” She looked down and she began to quietly sing almost in a whisper.   

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