Pool Day

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I went to find Tascha laying on the bed face down still fully dressed. I walked over to her and laid next to her and started moving all her hair out of her face. She looked at me “Demi I don't want to put on my bathing suit I don't want everyone staring at how disgusting I am.” I rolled her over so I could look into her eyes I hovered over her slightly “Tascha I don't want to hear you say that ever again you are gorgeous! Look we will get through this together I am here for you okay. Now I am going to help you change and you are not going to look in any mirrors. We are going to have a nice day with the family." She sighed "but baby I'm tired" I kissed her cheek and went to grab our bathing suits "you were not tired this morning" I winked at her and threw her bathing suit at her face. She finally laughed and sat up I walked up to here and smiled down at her. She smiled and threw her hands up I pulled her shirt over her head and and kissed the top of her head. I slowly ran my hands down her back and unhooked her bra. I watched as goosebumps rose all over her body and slowly slid the straps off her shoulders. I kissed her shoulder and whispered in her ear “you are so beautiful I love your skin.” She pulled my face to hers and kissed my lips softly “thank you Dems”. I brushed her hair to one side and started tying the top strings of her bikini together. I made sure to brush my fingers lightly across her skin. She let out a small sigh "you know baby you didn't get your turn in the shower this morning" she looked at me and laughed "miss Demetria you sure are thirsty like all the time!" I slapped her leg playfully "me no way!" She laughed more well at least she's laughing. She looked at me and said "we'll good thing you're not thirsty cause there is no time." I pouted "I get it you don't want me to touch you". She looked at herself and whispered "why would you want too anyways?" What am I supposed to say to that? I want to touch her but I'm scared I also feel like she just doesn't want me too. I sighed "Tascha I think you need more than just my help you need to talk to someone and probably get some medication for your bi polar." She stood up "I'm not fucking worth it!" I raised my voice to match hers "stop it Natascha! Don't fucking say shit like that! After all we've been through, together what I've done for you!" She started walking away towards our bathroom with that look in her eyes. I grabbed her arm "let me go Demi!" I pulled her away from the bathroom "no!" She looked at my hand "let me fucking go!" She tried to push me away "Tascha just stop-" I was cut off by our door opening "are you guys alright?" I turned to see Jul standing in her bathing suit I'm sure Tascha wouldn't mind if she touched her. I looked at Tascha who was still trying to escape my grasp "seriously you guys what's going on? Nat what's wrong?" I felt Tascha stop fighting me and turned to see the tears flowing down her cheeks. Jul ran over to us and looked at my hand on Tascha's wrist "Demi let her go". I looked at her "yeah you would like that right me just let her go so you can have her!" She grabbed my hand "can't you see you are hurting her?" I looked at Tascha's wrist and quickly let go. I backed away and fell to the ground what is happening here? I felt my heart shatter I didn't realize I grabbed at one of her scabs. I felt the tears consume me "I- I am so sorry Tascha I didn't mean to I just I'm sorry I didn't want you going into the bathroom and you hurting yourself." Jul was holding Tascha as she sobbed "seriously what is going here?" I looked at Jul "Tascha needs to get help we are not enough to help her get through all this stuff but she thinks she's not worth it which just supports my statement she needs help or we are going to lose her. She also needs to talk through her feelings with you." Jul looked down at Tascha "Nat I agree with Demi you were handling it all pretty well but like its been four weeks now and you are getting increasingly irritable." Tascha whipped her eyes I'm just hormonal my period should start soon. I mean seriously you guys know how I get please don't send me to treatment I need you guys especially when I have nightmares please". She looked at both of us begging. I sighed "Tascha will you at least see a therapist I mean you can't talk to yourself so you need to have someone else besides us who can actually help." Jul nodded "that sounds good can you do that for us please Naty?" Tascha looked at both of us "yes I can do that." I smiled finally we are getting somewhere "now Tascha can you please express your feelings to Jul I promise getting it all out will help." Julie looked at me "what's going on? Feelings?" Tascha slightly moved away from Jul so she could look at her. Tascha then looked at me with a scared face "I um I don't know Demi I can't do this". I cleared my throat "look Julie Tascha is jealous of James she's having the same problem you had about being scared to lose each other which is all understandable being you guys were all you had until recently. She just feels extremely confused and jealous." Jul looked at me and then to Tascha "is that true?" Tascha looked down at her hands "yes". She mumbled then looked at Jul "look I have loved you since day one its just hard to see someone else make you the kind of happy that I wanted to make you." Julie nodded "I understand". She hugged her "listen Demi is right we are both feeling this way its not just you look I promised to never put anything between us and so did you why are we freaking out so much we will always have each other." Tascha looked at Jul with a half smile "I love you so much Jul you always know what to say". They hugged and then Tascha pulled me into the hug. She squeezed us both as close as possible "I love you guys thank you so much". I kissed her cheek and so did Jul then we all got up. I swirled Tascha's swim suit bottoms in my hand "it looks like I need to finish dressing my girlfriend." Julie laughed "I'll leave you to that then". She walked out and I grabbed Tascha's hand and led her to the bed and made her lay down I unbuttoned her shorts. I kissed each of her legs and then pulled off her thong and slipped her bathing suit bottoms on her. She smiled "thank you baby now do you need help getting dressed too?" I grabbed my bathing suit and handed it to her. She stood up and made me sit where she was. She smirked as she gestured for me to lift my arms. I smiled as I lifted my arms and she pulled off my shirt then slipped off my bra she slid my bikini top on me and tied it up tight making my boobs look bigger. I would have done that to hers but they are already bigger than mine and they'd probably fall out. Ugh I need to stop thinking about her boobs I'm going to rip off her bikini top. She just looks so sexy "Demi are you listening you have to lay down for me to take off your shorts or do you not want my help?" I shook my head "sorry Tasch you can boobs I mean move on God I'm sorry you are just really sexy in that bikini." She laughed "good grief Demi just lay down you little sex addict!" I gave her my best pouty face “no I’m a Tascha addict.” She laughed and pushed me down she then crawled on top of me and kissed me as she undid my shorts. She then bit my bottom lips and kissed down my body and then down my legs as she removed my shorts. I love when she kisses my legs god I just love her lips they drive me crazy. She slipped off my thong and then slid my bikini bottoms up my legs. I hate how easily she can turn me on but I also love it! She slapped my leg “come on babe before your mom thinks you are raping me again!” I stuck out my tongue and wrapped my legs around hers making her fall on top of me I kissed her hard then rolled us over and bit her lip. She squeezed my ass and I smirked as I broke our kiss and sprung to my feet making her look at me shocked. She threw a pillow at me “fucking tease” I laughed “you know it and I am not just a fucking tease I am the best fucking tease!” She laughed “mmm hmm you sure are miss Demetria”. I put out my hand to help her up and pulled her into me then grabbed two towels and headed outside.

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