zero ♡ the needle and the thread

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We are the thread

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We are the thread.

Life is the needle.

It pulls us,

tugs us,

yanks us,

in whatever direction it wants,

whether we are ready or not.

Needle and thread.

Our lives follow a pattern.

In and out.

Out and in.

Our lives allow that one small,


breath of fresh air.

Then plunges us back down underwater.

Needle and thread.

Our threads are different.

It isn't one color fits all.

No person is the same,

so why should our stitches all match?

The girl who is smothered by lights brighter than hers

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The girl who is smothered by lights brighter than hers.

The girl who is smothered by lights brighter than hers

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The boy who walks a straight line in a curved world.

The girl who is placed high on a pedestal but longs to jump

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The girl who is placed high on a pedestal but longs to jump.

The girl who is placed high on a pedestal but longs to jump

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The boy who dares to break rules but is afraid to dream.

Needle and thread.

We are the threads.

Life is the needle.

Can we break the patterns of our lives?

Or will our threads snap?

Or will our threads snap?

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Needle and ThreadWhere stories live. Discover now