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Hey guys Alexis above🔝

Got 300➕ reads so far... I know its a little but its a lot to me.

I rushed to the hospital as fast as possible , but unfortunately when I got I got there I found out devastating news...

They wouldn't allow me to see Martin because I wasn't family.

Two hours. It's been two hours since I arrived and finally its visiting  hours.

"Heyy,Martin . How you feeling?"

"Just feeling a little ill that's all , nothing to worry about Miss"

(What if he dies , then what I'm stuck with all these other lonely people in this planet.)

"I'm just getting old" he answers as if reading my mind.

"Did your father get home from China already?"

"Yeah , why?"

"Did he tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Miss, I'm going to retire soon, your father agrees with me too , I'm not fit for this job anymore. Ad with the cancer getting worse I don't know if I have much time left."


"Yes,I thought your father told you?"

"He told me , that your were just feeling a little sick. He was fucking lying. His such an liar .Jesus Christ *sorry for using his name in vain guys*

"Its okay miss,he just didn't want to see you get hurt" Martin answers trying to make me feel better

"So you dying?"I ask

"No ,no ,no ,of cousre not , I will probably be here with you until forever miss."I can see right through his eyes that he us lying. I can tell that his afraid too.

"Okay , I take your word." I reply

"Don't worry , I'll be right at your door steps in the morning , waiting to take you to school"

"Of course Martin, buy after a month you done, I don't want you getting worse."

"I promise u will get you a new driver miss" Martin promises

"He better 've a good one" I reply trying to make our conversation happier

"Only of the best, don't worry they family"

I didn't have tglhe courage to reply so I just smiled and left.

I needed to do something that would clear my mind and I knew exactly what that is...I had to eat!!


When I got home the paparazzi was outside my house which made it kind of impossible for me to drive in. I wonder if I would go to jail for bumping somebody over * by accident *. Wink wink.

Finally some guards came to my rescue. What I would do without them. No , seriously I can actually do without them , they everywhere I go

"Maria why is there so much paparazzi outsi-"

" hey babe"

I stare a him in disbelief

"What ? you don't see your best friend for two whole months and automatically I get no greetings"

"Casey!!" I scream in excitement while giving him a bear hug

"How long have you been waiting here?"

"Well outside probably half an hour before Maria finally opened the door, after that aout another hour but it wasn't that long because Maria told me all about her daughters accomplishments"

"How I missed your sarcasm" I said sarcastically

"Hey ,you asked for it.
So how's life" he asked

"Its sucks without you , and of course Maria's sluts are getting more conceited and the other one more dummer"I answer in one breath

"Sounds pretty much the same"Casey replies

" Yeah , anyways , what you doing here?"

" what... you don't want me here?"

"Well I know you well enough to know that you don't visit unless its important news or its vacation and its not vacation yet so spill the beans. "

"Okay ,my dad and Kim got divorced, of course, so we moving back here"

"Are you serious right now! " i screamed

"No because I drove all the way to California just to tell you a lie" he said

" oh stop with the sarcasm"

"Well since I'm here , let's get our party clothes on" Casey starts singing


Hey guys

It seems like like you guys are kinda shy.

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It really motivates me to update often and i know i haven't updated in a long long long long time but here it is. It's not my best work but I feel like needed to bring Casey out already.



Next chapter coming out soon.

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